Monday, January 29, 2007

This was supposed to appear at the bottom, Cheese!

I was making breakfast and Hunter was I knew he was up to something!

He walked around in one of my heels for a few minutes, before.....

he noticed that I caught him! So Silly!

Hello all, hope you had a good Monday! We had a great one! Hunter and I got our chores done this morning then Grandma came to stay with Hunter while I went out to run errands, she said it was like the good old days, and Hunter loved it too! Then we all headed to Rochester so I could get a second opinion at our Dermatologist. I have to tell you because I am now the biggest advocate for second opinions. Part of my Resolution this year was to take care of stuff, part of which was going to the doctor. When I went the doctor looked at my moles, because Skin Cancer runs in our family, a few she said should come off (no big deal) but one on my foot she said would need to be biopsy-ed (sp) which would be about 15 stiches. Now, this concerned me because of the crazy feet problems I see people have at work where their wounds don't heal or their feet fall off, a little dramatic, ha ha! She acted like this was just routine, so I have this weird insurance that our family Dermatologist doesn't take, but Mom pulled some strings and got me in.....which brings me to today. The moles this doctor said needed to come off don't, the ones she ignored do, and the one with all the drama we are going to watch. So, now I am not only preaching about second opinions I am following my own advice! It may have saved me from a future of foot problems being it is in a funny spot. I think I need a new doctor that is either smarter or not as money seeking! So, enough about that I am just very thankful tonight.

Then it was bye bye Grandma and home for dinner and bedtime. Hunter entertained us at dinner and especially at dessert with strawberries and whipped cream, where he officially learned how to smile for the camera. I got out the camera, came over to the table, Hunter was turned the other way and when I said "say cheese" he whipped his head around saying "cheeeeeeeese"! and that's a wrap! Have a great day!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The strangest thing just happened as I was putting Hunter to bed....our normal routine includes reading. Hunter is quite a mover so he stays in his crib where he can move about freely as I read to him. We read a few stories then continue on, after I read the story I give him the book to look at, which brings us to the funny thing. I read a big bird shape book, handed it to him, he flipped it over and said, "Melmo" and to my shock he was pointing to a picture of Elmo! This may not seem funny to you, but we don't have any Elmo books, we don't watch Sesame Street, I don't think I have ever even said Elmo, which makes me think he must like Elmo and see him at day care. This is his first character recognition, I thought for sure it would be Thomas (the train) as he begs at the TV saying "choo choo" all the time, strange but cute, hence the grabbing of the camera to document it!

There's "MELMO"

We hope that you had a wonderful weekend! It always goes by so quickly! Where to begin in recapping the events, well yesterday I met my girlfriends Kathy and Jae for a baby free lunch, the last time they saw him he had just begun walking so next time the see him he will probably be onto sentences :) It was so nice to relax a little bit! Then I had to hurry home to get everyone around for Dave's Aunt Francis's surprise birthday party. Hunter was having fun playing with their arcade games with his cousins, Ally, Kimmy, and Joey (Hunter calls him Jo Jo). Then it was time for the surprise and she was pleasantly shocked! Shortly after this Hunter began to get fussy, it was his bedtime and we were concerned that this might happen. We struggle with going without him or taking him, it always seems functions fall at this time, for his good we should leave him but we realize that people would much rather see him than seems there is no right answer. So, we left and returned home to bed. Which brings us to today, Dave went hunting, and Hunter and I had a nice relaxing day. We read a lot of stories, ate a lot of fruit, Hunter is loving fruit lately! He ate a whole bag of grapes in 3 days, today he ate a whole kiwi, and watermelon which he previously didn't like, he is getting less picky every day, hurray!!! He said "love you" to Aunt Mimi and now signs "cracker" that pretty much sums it up, have to run and get my chores done before Desperate Housewives, love you!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Head, Shoulders, Knees and TOES! Knees and TOES!

Hello all! It's the weekend!!!! Hurray!!! Well, Hunter went back to the doctor for his ear check today, and for the first time since December we are all clear! We had a long talk about various things...home remedies, genetics, environment, allergies, tubes, and pillows, while Hunter carried around my purse :) don't tell Dave! So, we've decided being Hunter's speech doesn't seem to be affected at all at this point and this round of antibiotics worked we will play it by ear, we pray this is something he will outgrow! The doctor gave Hunter the go ahead for a pillow, he will be so excited! He loves them! This should help the tubes not to become blocked from lying flat on his back, whether he has a cold or allergies this congestion when lying flat causes the blockage, it may not help we'll see.

Other than that, Hunter is just incorporating more words into his dictionary and making us laugh. He has been a lot more cuddly than usual....another stage! Hunter had a first yesterday at day care that he apparently loved, but makes me sick even thinking about it! Bologna! Must take after his dad in that arena! He wasn't the only one trying new things, I tried Hummus and Babaganush which is a real thing! I thought it was a made up word! It's actually pretty good. Well, I think that is all I have to report, have a wonderful weekend!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

My first time playing in the Snow! Mom tried to cover up everything she could, I can barely see!

Sledding is fun!!!! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for the cool sled!

Hello all, what a beautiful day!!! Finally a blustery winter day!!! Hunter got to play in the snow at daycare too, they brought the snow inside, but we took him outside! Maybe it will kill off some germs :) Apparently, Hunter is quite the little chatterbox at daycare! We have been concerned about Hunter's speech because of all of his ear infections. It appears normal to me, but then again I have never had a baby before, so I have been asking around and it seems there isn't a problem. Actually, at daycare today they told me that Hunter talks more and is clearer than the other two children his age, which makes me feel better when we consider this debate over tubes or no tubes, that at least he is not having problems or isn't delayed. So, other than that we go back to the doctor on friday for the ear recheck and we should have more info. at that point. He seems to be feeling fine with the occasional pulling at his ears, and one red one.....who knows!

I send off a special thanks today to my very best friends, Wendy and Erin! Wendy you are always there for me when I need you and today was no exception! I miss you....move back! and Erin sent me the most beautiful roses I've ever seen, they came on the perfect day, it must have been women's intuition, thank you for your support! I love you ladies!!!!! Pardon me while I get a little emotional, me emotional, as Hunter would say.....Nooooooooooo :) but there is one thing I have realized since Hunter was born and that is how much family and friends mean to me! It seems very easy for my priorities to get easily distorted, running here and there, doing, doing, spending, spending, working, working and for what? To not appreciate the wonderful people in my life, and not have time to spend with them, this year I am really working to get my priorities back in order! I thank you for giving me that opportunity every day, by blogging it helps me think about all of the exciting, fantastic maybe frustrating but still monumental things that happen on a given day with Hunter, and tonight the best one of all happened! Probably the one that I will always remember......"love you"! I was reading him a bedtime story when out it came.....10 months of my physical sickness, 16 months of his chronic sickness......all well worth it!!!!! so as Hunter would say....Love you!!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Hunter and his new friend Andrew at Cranbrook Science Museum

My little Turtle

Hunter's first puzzle

Andrew gets a cookie when he goes to the mall, so Hunter enjoyed his first Mrs. Fields cookie!

He REALLY enjoyed it!!!!

Hello all, first before I tell you about today I have to tell you about yesterday. We had a nice evening, we went for a visit for
Auntie Karen's birthday! Hunter enjoyed discovering lots of new things, like the exercise bike, mounted ducks, and overall just getting into things. Thanks to Aunt Karen and Uncle Bob (boobah) for letting us visit and letting Hunter entertain us!

Today, we met my friend from work Tricia and her son Andrew who just turned 2. We went to Cranbrook which was a lot of fun! It is really geared toward older kids but they enjoyed all the things that moved and all of the animals. A nice place to getaway in the winter. Then we went to Somerset for a little lunch and shopping. Hunter had a slight breakdown over balloons. There was a party that had balloons he spotted them and of course wanted one, but we realized there is one thing they don't sell at Somerset and that is balloons, so he was out of luck! Then Hunter had another first.....stealing! We were in the kids Pottery Barn store, where they have kids play stuff. Hunter was in his stroller (I don't let him out at the mall yet for fear of setting a precedent) and Andrew was giving Hunter things to play with, well I thought I got them all out.....but....we left and went for cookies, when I discovered Hunter was sitting on wooden toast! Oh my! We quickly returned it, and all was well. That brings our day to an end because it was home for a long overdue nap! Hope you had a great day!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hunter taking a little bite :)

Hello everyone, Hunter has been doing so much better in his booster seat! He feels more like one of the family! We had a busy weekend, on Saturday we went to Kalamazoo for a family reunion my mom's side of the family had never met Hunter before, and we hadn't met our new cousin twins, Ella and Conner, they were adorable! Hunter wasn't such a good boy at the restaurant but I guess after 3 hours in the car what can I expect. So, then it was back home, and yesterday I had a fun day out!!! I went scrapbooking with my friends Marianne and Michelle, thanks ladies for a relaxing get away! Then we met Grandma and Grandpa for dinner at our favorite restaurant....Red Robin! Hunter was so good! This probably was the best he has ever been in a restaurant, he even enjoyed steamed veggies! Doesn't like pizza, likes steamed he really my son? Well, hope all is well with you and that you have a wonderful week!

Friday, January 19, 2007

What's this?

Hunter loves his new vacuum! The question is....where did it come from?

He likes it so much he carried it around! It's taller than he is!

Hello, Happy Weekend! We came home to an exciting surprise on our porch! A toy vacuum that Hunter adores! No note though on where or who it came from, its a mystery! He didn't get to play to long because we had to go to the mall, he was the best he has ever been at the mall, what an angel! I couldn't believe it, he hardly made a peep :) Then it was home to bed, Hunter has been using a booster seat instead of his high chair for a few days now, oh boy does it make life easier! Pictures....coming soon! We are off on a quick trip to Kalamazoo tomorrow to see Hunter's Great Uncle Roger and family, it should be fun, of course mom is a little worried about the restaurant being he will be in the car for 3 hours prior, send some positive restaurant vibes our way......Please! Talk to you soon!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


I love sweeping!

Hello all, Hunter is cracking me up! Everyday he is getting more and more personality! Here he is hamming it up! He loves this broom, thanks Papa and Grandma, he sweeps, brushes our hair and rides it like a witch would, very humorous! I have to report that we survived last night and tonight was perfect, I think Grandma's talk with him did good, he just laid down and went to sleep! I love it! So I think we are good until we switch from the crib to a toddler bed, and then more fun at bedtime will begin :) Ok, so today he sat on the cat, asked to watch a Thomas video (by bringing it to me; pointing to the TV; saying "choo choo") honestly he couldn't do much more than put it on himself! What else, oh the phone rang and he said hello just from the ringing, and he ate the best dinner ever begging for more cauliflower, strange! So, needless to say today brings much less stress, it must be the positive thoughts sent in our direction, thanks for sending your love, and checking in on our day to day life, we love you!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Hunter loves the kitties! So we got the kitties a toy too!

He thinks they are so funny, and he likes to play with them when they are on the bottom, they rub their heads together!

Hello all, what a crazy day....lots of fun but it just ended bad. Hunter has been giving us a hard time going to bed for about a week, on occasions he also gets up at 3 or 4 am to eat. This I find horrible, but at that time of morning screaming is worse, well tonight I hit my limit. For every stage Hunter has gone through relating to bedtime, getting rid of the bottle, etc. we have let him cry it out and it only takes him 1-2 nights, not bad! Now he is older and a little more stubborn.....I wonder where he gets that from, Ha Ha! We are hoping the same goes as tonight is the night to break him of this eating, bedtime, middle of the night problem. The problem is he actually doesn't eat much at bedtime so he is hungry during the night, it is hard to tell what they actually know and what they don't but we will see, this isn't good for any of us the way it is now, so I will keep you posted. Take care, and sweet dreams!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

I found my tongue!

Sometimes it needs help coming out!

Oh boy!

Hi there, another fun day with Hunter! He is dancing up a storm, which is just so entertaining! He seems to be feeling better except he is still pulling on one of his ears, we go back to the Doctor next week so we shall see what that brings. We had a nice day of visitors. First Aunt Mimi and her friend from LA came over, he hadn't seen Hunter since he was 3 months old, needless to say he enjoyed the changes, and Hunter even gave him a kiss. They brought Hunter a new hat which you will undoubtedly see in upcoming pictures! Then Grandpa and Grandma came by, Grandpa was able to fly in from Kentucky for the weekend and we were all so happy to see him. Sorry that he couldn't stay longer, but hopefully soon he will be home for good! Hunter enjoyed some chocolate milk (ovaltine and soy milk, not really that exciting) and it made him super hyper! I've never seen him like this before, he was running around laughing, and falling, and talking, and doing silly things! We had to give him a later bedtime so he could calm down, pictures coming in a few days, what a HAM he is becoming! I can't figure out why.

A special note of apology to my good friend Marianne! I had your birthday written down wrong in my calendar, I am so sorry for missing the right day! I tell you lately I can't get anything right. We say Happy Belated Birthday! We hope that it was a good one!

Have a wonderful week, and for those of you who don't work tomorrow, have a great day off!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Look it's my "bel buh"

Do you see it?

It's hilarious!!!!

Hello everyone, what a wonderful day we had today and we hope you did as well! We were very busy accomplishing various tasks, making a dog bed, making curtains, setting up a cat tree, and of course....Playing, which Hunter now says and signs! He discovered many things, now he has been pointing to his belly button in the bath for a few weeks, but today was the first time he pulled up his shirt to show me, he was so fascinated with it, and thought it was just the funniest thing ever, as you see by his belly laugh that shows off one of his molars. He also discovered how to stick out his tongue, of course I have pictures you will have to wait until tomorrow, I can't give you everything at once :) It has been 7 months since his surgery and even though his speech has caught up nicely we wondered if he would ever learn to use his tongue, a few times it has accidentally come out of his mouth, but today he learned to purposely do it. The best part is he kept trying to use his hands to help it along, silly! Hunter also had his first real telephone interaction today, he always will listen, and sometimes mumble a response, many times he kisses the phone, but today was the first time Grandma was on the phone, and Hunter said "Gama" back, Grandma didn't believe it. She thought it was Dad teasing her! Well, that's it for now, have a great weekend!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Thanks Miss Marianne & Miss Michele for the fridge DJ! I love to dance with it!

I entertain mom with all of my moves! Especially this one where I don't bend my knees, sometimes I even throw back my arms and head and waddle around!

It entertains Aunt Mimi now known as "Auntie" as Hunter says, when he mimics her special dance moves!

Hello everyone! I have been under the weather, sorry for my lack of posting. I am feeling better now and I am back on track. Hunter kept my spirits up with his dancing. Someday I will learn how to do the video portion so you can see for yourself! He dances to everything, commercials, this weird creepy show called the Doodlebops, and any toy that makes any kind of noise. The best move is when he spins slowly in a circle, the more you laugh the more he does and sometimes he gets dizzy and falls, but it is the cutest thing, you have to see it to appreciate it! He seems to be feeling better as well so we are hoping that the ear infection is clearing up, and despite that he has had his 4th molar/12th tooth pop through, these molars take weeks to come through completely, it is sad, first one side, then the other side, then the worst....the huge middle. I feel so sorry for him and "baby Magnum" he really suffers from all of the biting :) That is it for tonight, we hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Hunter reading his favorite book....of course it is about TRACTORS!

Hunter showing that he has ruined his favorite book, the cover has separated from all the pages. I just about have it memorized we read it so much!

Hello all, I wish I had better news. Hunter went back for his recheck on his ears, and well, if the ear infection went away, we wouldn't know because it is either still there or he has another double ear/sinus infection. So, being he is allergic to the cillin's and we wanted to forgo the antibiotic injections, we are researching the tube surgery, and he just completed one of the most powerful ones, that brings us to me driving around with him trying to find a pharmacy that carries the new and hopefully very powerful antibiotic. When we finally found one they said it would take 45 minutes, so we went to McDonald's for lunch. Well, this is very difficult, normally when we eat out we are waited on, this was our first fast food experience. Where is the camera when you need one, I felt like I was on candid camera, because I ordered holding onto Hunter, then realized I had to get drinks, so on our balancing act to the table I realized we didn't have a high chair, so when I went to set down the tray I dropped my pop, and it exploded everywhere. Embarrassed, I find a high chair put Hunter down, flag down the cleaner lady, then we sit to begin eating, when I realize we have no napkins, straws, or ketchup. The napkins and straws you can make do....but McDonald's, oh no. I will spare you the rest of the story you catch the was a disaster! So, we get our antibiotic, get home, get ready for a nap, which should be a good one because he missed his first nap so normally when this happens it should be one long 3 hour nap, well lets just say today wasn't our day. One hour and a not very happy mom who is also's time for bed....tomorrow is a new day! Hope that your week is treating you well!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Peek-a-boo Grandma!

Hunter had hours of fun playing with his cousins in Papa and Grandma's beautifully remodeled basement the other day! He even said "Joe" :) Well, I understand we didn't have very many fans of my computer warping photo booth program, if you only knew how much fun we have had with it, so many laughs and a lot of tears! Well, I thought it was about time to bring you something new and exciting but from now on I will stick with the classics, Hunter at his best. Today something wonderful happened, a fluke, but nonetheless wonderful, Hunter said "thank you" after I gave him his chocolate milk (he has said "thank you" before but never appropriately), and he also signed and said "mom" this had never happened before, always "ma ma". It was such a great day, that is until the screaming began. What can I say about this except.....I hate it! We met Grandma for dinner, Grandpa is in Kentucky and we miss him! so we met Grandma to have a nice dinner at the Olive Garden (much too quiet there for Hunter) he behaved like any normal child made noise, would quiet down, threw his crayons on the floor etc, we're working on it! He began to get fussy at the end, so I took him up front to walk around, except there was no space for this, he threw his first real Temper Tantrum! Oh so embarrassing! Thank goodness a friekishly tall man came in and started talking to him in weird kid tones about "the weird tall man" and he must have done this before because he was my guardian angel! The screaming and crying stopped! That is until the car ride home where I didn't know if I was going to make it or not! This new screaming thing has been progressing for about the last 4 days, he does it if he is happy...he does it if he is mad...he does it and it is horrible! We have tried everything except spanking him.....we may be getting there, nothing else is working...needless to say it was a long ride home. So, I love my little Hunter to death....but the screaming has got to go! Do all kids do this? Is it some stage to prevent you from wanting more children? How do you get it to stop? Oh boy, I am praying it stops soon and that all is well with all of our devoted readers! Love ya!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

We are so fortunate for our good looks!!!

Hello everyone, this is one of the only things I know how to do on my new computer because Wendy showed me how, we have our own photo booth, and you can take really funny pictures! So, yesterday I couldn't bring myself to post because it was such a horrible day...for me not Hunter. You know that you should go home, pull the covers over your head, and start over the next day when your day starts out with sitting in URINE and having to deal with that! It just went from bad to worse, you know what I mean, we have all had them. Thankfully it was improved with a little scrapbooking with the girls, thanks ladies for your support! Today was much better! We had a family wedding shower, so Hunter and dad went to Papa and Grandma's with Ally, Kimmy and Joey and boy did they have fun! When us ladies got home from the shower, we played and had pizza, my dream dinner! So needless to say, the weekend is off to a good start, we hope yours is as well!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Hello, little bear! This is Hunter's favorite hat! A crowd pleaser too!

Well nothing to exciting to report today, Hunter was a "helper" today at daycare, Miss Karen asked him to go get baby Jordan's bib, and he did and go get the pacifier and he did, which surprises me because I wouldn't think he would even know what that was, but apparently he does. They were impressed by the amount of commands he can follow, let me tell you he is not that cooperative for us :) He wanted to rush home to see the kitties, he now plays "ball" with them. Oh, and of course we went a whole week without being sick and now he has what hopefully will stay a cold :( Hope all is well with you!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

I understand the kitty picture was a big hit, so I am bringing you more as requested!

Kitty is wising up here, he squeezed out of the love grip!

Thank you ladies for the comments showing your love of our Hunter and blogging! I did good I went two days without making a list, but I am back on the stress bandwagon, I hate New Year's Resolutions!!! Hunter is loving the nice weather, today he went to the park twice at daycare, and all the ladies were admiring his new hat, picture coming soon..... then it was off to belated Christmas/early Birthday dinner with Miss Michele, Miss Marianne, and Grandma (who got a great big kiss!) thanks ladies for the fun, and Hunter loves his goodies! Then I was one of those bad mothers as I had to go to the store at 9 for diapers, maybe no one noticed? I don't think they could miss us, Hunter is quite talkative these days, trying to repeat just about everything! One more thing and I'll call it a night, Hunter has a friend at daycare named Adrianna, she loves Hunter! This morning I didn't even get him in the door and she was helping take off his coat, and escorting him into the play room, she is two and also very talkative, and very cute! Have a good one, and hope your resolutions are going better than mine!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hunter loves the kitties!

The poor kitties, Hunter now uses them as pillows, he tries to sit on them, and oh boy...pick them up! He is obviously not allergic because he has had no reaction or problems, and as you can see he is pretty hands on. They seem to love him too, and at times they actually escape, they'll learn! Well, entries are going to be short and sweet, I am trying a new stress free lifestyle for 2007, we will see how it goes! Hope your resolutions are treating you well so far!