Friday, March 31, 2006

I forgot to mention...check out Paige's blog it has been updated!

I find tags more interesting than my toys, lately. I'm easily amused!

We had a quiet day today and got back on schedule, nothing new and exciting happened. Dad got to see how much Hunter loves his bath, he would stay in there all day, I can't wait until the weather gets nice and we can go swimming he is going to be a little fish! We are going to try and have a quiet weekend, we set some goals, we will try and accomplish them...almost impossible with Hunter but we will try nevertheless. We hope that you are all feeling well, and will have a wonderful relaxing weekend! Love you!

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Before...Paige and Hunter having fun at the park!
My first time in the swing, I would rather be sleeping mom.

Hanging out in my shades!
After...Tired and Hungry!
Hunter had a great day with his friend Paige, they had to play away from one another so Hunter wouldn't spread any germs, but nevertheless they always have fun with Miss Amy to guide their day! I was kind of sad, but happy too, because Hunter did a first for Amy today. He rolled over, then over, then over...there was time in between but progress is being made. How quickly these milestones are happening, and one right after the other, I am so glad you can all share them with us through the blog. Hunter had another first today with his friends, we walked to the park and he got in the swing, he might have liked it better if he wasn't half sleeping, but it was his first! It was wonderful to get out in the warmth and sunshine, we thought maybe it wasn't a good idea, with Hunter having been so sick, but some fresh air never hurt anybody, and I put cottonballs in his ears. No harm done but next time he is taking after Paige and bringing his shades!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Last picture with Aunt Mimi for a few months, Hunter says by then I will be walking and have a tooth! For those of you who know me well, how close is Hunter from the pleasant face? It was one second behind when the camera took the picture. I have to tell you that when we were killing time between the photos, I ran into a store, the cashier said, he looks adorable he must have gotten his picture taken today, I thought he always looks adorable what's wrong with her. But I kept my mouth shut after the whole bear/reindeer incident with Mrs. Claus. I'm learning to bite my lip, that must be a new motherhood lesson.
Hello all, how exciting pictures return!!! Tomorrow new pictures I promise! What a day, for those of you who balance working outside of the home, and in, you know what I mean when I say, it's a struggle to do both well. With that said, I'm pooped! Hunter had a fun day but he is pooped too! He went to his Aunt Lori's and Uncle Scott's today, and played with the kids, then they went to get their pictures taken. They all looked so cute, and behaved well under the circumstances of having to wait until next Christmas. We didn't get home from the pictures until fifteen minutes before his bedtime, he was hungry and exhausted, maybe he will bless me with another all nighter, last night 11 hours!!! I got six which was wonderful, I need to find more hours to get things done so I can go to bed when he does, any suggestions other than lowering my expectations are greatly appreciated! Hope you all are having a wonderful week, we are on the down side now, take care!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Hello everyone, I apologize for no pictures last night or tonight, I left my camera cable at my parents. More pictures coming soon... Hunter is doing really well, he is acting himself! His breathing is still an issue and he still gets his treatments four times a day, but that is just something we are accepting for the next few months. Tonight I have been ironing Hunter's outfits for tomorrow, he is going with his cousins to a photographer (this is a first, I usually take all his pictures, I am nervous) anyway back to ironing. Before Hunter was born I ironed all of his onesies, blankets, sleepers, etc. in preparation for him to arrive. I was going to keep that up of course, but that has not happened, I don't even get my own clothes ironed :) I forgot how difficult it is to iron their clothes because they are so small, they are wrinkled before you are even finished, hopefully he will not look like a rag-a-muffin in the pictures. I am also hoping they will turn out well as the pictures are during his fussy time, please send us good photo vibes, you all know how important photos are to me! Love you all!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Sharing some last minute special time with my Aunt Mimi, I miss her already!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Hunter is very sad tonight, it's his last night with Aunt Mimi. We had such a nice time, it went so quickly. It's funny how you look forward to something for so long, the time seems to take forever to get here, then it gets here and its gone. Kind of like pregnancy. Hope everyone had a nice weekend, we sure did. We still have tomorrow so we are going to shop, Hunter's favorite! Don't tell his dad, Hunter is also sad because dad is going to Ohio for a couple days for work. Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Typical man...eats then sleeps. Hunter had just got done eating his breakfast, I went to get a warm washcloth to clean his face and when I returned, he was out!

I was having so much fun with Aunt Mimi's hat, I pulled it over her eyes and laughed, she thinks I can't do anything wrong...I have her right where I want her!
Everyone says how big I am, but I look pretty small going for a spin in Grandma's chair!
Today was so much fun, and Hunter started jumping/bouncing. For about an hour he was in his excer-saucer laughing and jumping, until he couldn't breathe anymore. He was so well behaved today, Dave was suppose to watch him so we could get spa pedicures, but work ended up overcoming his weekend, we took Hunter with us and he did very well. He also sat in a highchair at E.G.Nicks our favorite family restaurant for the first time. I am very excited that I can post pictures now, I know that is everyone's favorite part! Talk to you tomorrow!

Squash, my new favorite, can't you tell?

Friday, March 24, 2006

Happy Friday! Hope you all had a great week, and that you are going to have a great weekend! What a fun day, Hunter got to see his Aunt Mimi today, she couldn't believe how much he had changed since Christmas time. He also did a first for her, he stuck his tongue out, you could barely see it but it was out, with his tongue tie we didn't even know he could stick it out at all. It was very cute! His breathing still hasn't improved we are keeping up the treatments, and hoping for change really soon. The doctor said it would take 3-4 days, which should be tomorrow. I don't know if I will be able to post pictures, but there will be lots coming!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Amy found the shower cap, and then we let them play with the ducks after we had taken plain pictures, they were even cuter! Both Hunter and Paige put the whole duck head in their mouths :) Posted by Picasa

Paige loved the tub, she actually just hung out in there, she smiled and laughed, she is too cute for words!!! Posted by Picasa
I am very excited tonight, it was a good day but tomorrow will be even better! Aunt Mimi is coming. My sister, Amy (aka Aunt Mimi), has been in California for three months and is coming for a weekend visit. She is not going to believe her eyes when she sees how big Hunter has gotten. Maybe she won't want to go back! Hunter had so much fun with Miss Amy and baby Paige today. He was not on his best behavior though, he gave Miss Amy a run for her money. When I came to pick him up, we took 6 month pictures. This picture was one Aunt Lori had done for Kimmy (our middle neice) when she was 6 months old, I always thought it was adorable, and we had a great time! The tub was caught all of the drool that two teething babies produce :) I am only posting one of the funny pictures because I have to pack. I am going to try to update the blog as usual, but am not sure if I will be able to from a different location. So I apologize in advance if it does not work. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, we send our hugs and kisses!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

This is my favorite picture, what an angel! Posted by Picasa
The week is half over for all of you working folk :) Hope it has been a good one so far, and the rest is fast! Today felt like a month. I think the steroids are kicking in...all Hunter wants to do is eat, eat, eat. Either that or the genes are kicking in. Anyway, things have turned around we have really been working at correcting the problems we created when Hunter was really sick. The doctor telling me he could be like this for another two months, was quite a wake up call. So, his eating is spaced out to every three hours now, he is napping, and I shouldn't jinx myself, but he has slept through two nights in a row now!!! Hurray! I see now how unbelievably easy it is to give in to their whining and bad habits, but in the long run it only creates more problems, so we are standing our ground.

Dave and I are pretty strict, and I didn't know if that would change when it was our child. People say that it does, and that it would for us. I have to say that so far, it hasn't. Both Dave and I have caught ourselves on occasion, telling our sick six month old baby, to stop whining. If it isn't cute at this age, I don't think it's going to be cute at any age. It just makes me think, and wonder what has led to the breakdown in manners, respect, and behavior? I have to apologize for the deep nature of the blog this evening, I am in a weird mood. Tomorrow will be better, I promise, I will stick to baby talk.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

To see all of the fun Hunter had at his belated half birthday party, view the slideshow...and enjoy! He did!!! Posted by Picasa
Nothing much to say tonight...I think the pictures speak for themselves. Hunter is more fun than I ever imagined and he is finally starting to act himself, Thank God!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Hunter had to get up for his treatment, so I thought I would take advantage of these PARTY ANIMALS!!! Posted by Picasa
Well it's very sad how birthday's come and go...Grandpa and Grandma brought Hunter his first birthday cake. He was already in bed after his very busy day. So look forward to the pictures tomorrow as we celebrate his belated birthday! You would think today was my birthday, because I am so excited. I got a new KitchenAid Blender! Mine broke, darn. Well it needed to be replaced right away because I had twenty pounds of sweet potatoes to puree! My lucky day, and Hunter's too! Talk to you all tomorrow, it's back to work for me.

Headed to the doctor again...thought you would like to see my new smile, and new outfit! Posted by Picasa
Hello all, a special mid-day posting while Hunter is napping. Hunter is a very lucky boy he gets house calls! Hunter's breathing sounded worse this morning so I called my good friend Kathy, who is also a nurse that I work with. She came right over and listened to Hunter's chest and back and suggested we make a return visit to the doctor. As if that wasn't enough, she brought Hunter a half birthday present, so sweet! So we just returned from the doctor, who prescribed another kind of breathing treatment. Basically he explained that he got some sort of virus initially that inflamed his lungs, and now it hides out waiting to attack. When it does, we get this wheezing, which sounds terrible! We will be doing the treatments twice a day, along with doing the previous ones, and we will do this for about two months. He said when the weather gets nice, it should really help. They are also keeping track because this could all be a sign of future asthma problems, we will have to wait and see. Well, I will post tonight after the big birthday party! Ha Ha

Happy Half Birthday to our little monkey! It seems like only yesterday we saw him for the first time in his birthday suit, now he is triple the size!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Daddy's first photo shoot, it was so much fun! Except my pants are the only thing that fits, my jacket is for next winter, and my hat for when I'm four, and my boots...well they are John Deere. I still look adorable, even mismatched!  Posted by Picasa

Dad gave me a new toy, a duck call, I couldn't be happier...which really worries mom! Posted by Picasa

Daddy's little Hunter! Posted by Picasa
Hello everyone, we hope you enjoyed your weekend, we certainly did! Hunter still sounds horrible but he was acting much better today, a lot less whining and a lot more smiling! He got a highchair today that is certain to help in the feeding situation. We had to up the amount of fruit, veggies, and cereal he was eating to decrease his milk intake, seems to be working better. At the moment Hunter is trying to exert some independence and not eat his vegetables, we are not letting him get away with that. Tomorrow Hunter is starting sweet potatoes, I think he should enjoy them. Hunter had fun with dad while mom went grocery shopping as you can see from the pictures, dad thought it would be fun to have a photo shoot of his own. Which led Hunter to his new favorite thing, a duck call. I could barely get it away from him. We have to correct a parenting mistake starting tonight. Because Hunter has been sick for over two months, when he wakes up during the night I pick him up, change his diaper and feed him. Now, I realize that tomorrow he will be six months old and sick or not he(we) should be sleeping through the night. Therefore, tonight we are starting a little tough love. I will let you know how we do. Ha Ha
Love you all, keep the comments rolling.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

As I was leaving for my parenting vacation, I had to grab the camera as Dave was trying to get a little rest and Hunter kept diving to chomp on his fingers! Posted by Picasa
Ok, as you could probably tell from yesterday's blog, I needed a parenting vacation. My mom came to rescue me, and Dave helped by taking care of Hunter. I got a much needed rest and I am happy to report that I am feeling human again!!! Of course the cure was shopping, shopping, shopping! Grandpa and Grandma bought Hunter the cutest Easter outfit you will ever see for our little fella! Just a few weeks of suspense until you will see him in it! Hunter still has his horrible cough, bad breathing, runny nose, etc. but he seemed to be less whiney and more smiley today. As you saw in the picture he has resorted to biting on anything he can get his mouth on! Which I find funny as he is diving for new things. It seems like he is biting and drooling more, but I don't see or feel anything different so we will just wait and see. Hope everyone is feeling as human as I am, and you are having a weekend of rest and relaxation. Does one of those really exist?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Pay no attention to the bald spot...look at me sitting up watching Baby Beethoven like a big boy! Posted by Picasa

Of course mom has to get the side view too. She wasn't happy because the picture is fuzzy, I'm so excited my arms are flailing! Posted by Picasa
Happy St. Patty's Day!
The only person who needs beer tonight is me, and let me tell you I don't care what color! I think I could drink myself into a vegetative state after the day I've had, well and the fact I haven't drank in over a year. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter where to begin. If I didn't sit and play with him, he whined. If I didn't feed him every hour, he whined. If I didn't hold him, he whined. I think you get the picture! Oh the days of the three hour naps, well there were only two but they were like Heaven. Before Hunter was born I was all excited about Baby Einstein so, when he was born I would put it on for noise, well then I went to putting it on once a week, he really could care less, today out of desperation I put on Baby Beethoven. What a hit! He was mesmerized by it, he kept turning around to make sure I was still sitting there, he would smile, then look back at the TV, it gave me a half an hour of quiet. Hunter sat the longest he has ever sat today without falling over, one hour, he would have sat longer but he wanted to be fed. It is really amazing how they learn, he would start to lean back, his feet come off the ground, then he catches himself. He usually falls forward rather than backward, because he has really been reaching for put in his mouth! I'm not sure if he is feeling better or not, I can hear him breathing which I hope means it is breaking up, I don't think it could be getting worse with the antibiotic and breathing treatments. I will keep you posted. Have a wonderful weekend everyone, love you!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 16, 2006

If I could just get my feet in my mouth, it would save a lot of trouble. This is definetly not going to fit. Teething is rough! Posted by Picasa

I got it in my mouth, I'm just not sure about getting it out!  Posted by Picasa
What a day, sigh. It started out good, a smile when he woke up, then fussing and whining...followed by another three hour nap, which I loved. Then crying, fussing, whining, and repeat. I hope this means he is getting better, you know how you always feel worse before you feel better, this better be it! The doctor said, and I agree that the teething is actually making everything worse, today he tried to bite on anything he came in contact with, hope you enjoy the pictures of a few of his victims. I shouldn't say yet, but I think I managed to escape without getting pink eye! I have washed all of Hunter's toys, even the ones that shouldn't have been washed, and surprisingly they didn't get ruined. Hopefully this will help prevent re-infection and another pink eye situation. We thank you all for wishing us well, thank you mom and dad for the beautiful flowers, and thank you Kathy for the adorable card! All of your thoughts in whatever form mean more to me than you know!

A special morning posting for all of my loyal fans!!! I'm really teething, check out my pink cheeks, and my favorite's an oreo. Mom is worried that I'm already following in her footsteps! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

This fish saved my sanity! One of grandma's customers and our family friend made this fish for Hunter because he has been sick. Hunter loves it, and I trick Hunter with it so I can sneak the eyedrops in his eyes! Makes my life a little easier! Posted by Picasa
Hello everyone, I wish I had better news tonight. Hunter is no better, but on a good note he is no worse either. We had a quiet day, Hunter would play but only laugh when I made goofy faces, or noises. Where when he is feeling good he smiles and laughs when he sees you. He took the longest nap he has ever had today, which if you know Hunter, you know he doesn't feel good. 3 hours!!! Even when he was a tiny sick baby he did not sleep that much. I hate to say it but I enjoyed it, I got the dishes done, sewed three of the things in my sewing pile, made a card, and started to scrapbook, I am trying not to get too excited because I realize it won't happen again. I forgot to tell you the most exciting thing, for the first time today Hunter rolled from his back onto his stomach, twice! He is not very happy when he realizes he is on his stomach, he doesn't like it there very much. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, not only for Hunter but for us as well!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Grandpa and Grandma, I sure hope I don't give you pink eye...and what is wrong with mom that I feel miserable and she wants me to smile! Posted by Picasa