Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The second installment of "Hunter's Soccer Birthday Party"....

A Cars tent!!!! "OH Thank You"!!!

How many people does this kids tent sleep????

Soccer.......Thank You!!!


Football! He never met a sport he didn't like!!!

Nice shot!!! The psychadellic soccer ball got stuck in the bow on the net, Hunter thought it was the funniest thing ever!

Hunter's first night in his new tent, doesn't look like he's ready to sleep!

This was a very lucky night! I decided to check on Hunter before I went to bed, I was worried that it may not be the safest idea, I hardly ever checked on Hunter during the night anymore being he is a "big boy" but thank God I did and do now, I discovered Hunter has been wrapping his head up in the sheets and blankets, not just pulling them over his face but wrapping them around his neck. This first night I panicked because I could barely unwrap them, I had to lift his whole upper body up. I discussed this with the Dr. because he continues to do it, not always this bad thank goodness! but the Dr. thought that he would wake up scared if he was strangling himself in them and I would hear him, so I sure hope so, it is scary!

Sweet dreams.....sleeping safely after the covers were removed!

Well, thinking about things that are scary I have to tell the story of what happened last night. To all of my friends and family who have little children this is especially for you! I took Hunter to Target tonight quickly to buy a new hat and mittens (his new favorite thing!) and I contemplated letting him walk being we were only going to be there a few minutes, but I decided to put him in the cart because I knew I would be distracted looking around for what I wanted. Well, from now on I will put him in the buggy and if he won't get in we will leave, because.....a woman rushed by me yelling for an employee saying her 3 year old was missing, panicked she explained how she was just there and then all of the sudden she was gone. My heart just sank, it must be a mother's worry that kicked in, so the employee put out a code they locked the doors to the store and all of the employees began doing a search, the parents were yelling for her, and it was awful because it took 15 minutes for them to find this child. In the meantime you couldn't shop, or think, myself and other moms were in tears fearful praying someone didn't leave the store with her before the search began and thinking how easily this could happen to all of us, we are always in such a hurry, and it's easier to let the child walk rather than whine that they don't want to sit in the cart, it makes me sick recounting the event even now. I just learned an important lesson last night and I hope that you may too!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Over a month late but....better late than never :0) This was the Monday after Hunter's birthday. I wasn't able to have his birthday party until the middle of October with the way weekends fell, the Breast Cancer walk and a work Symposium, so I had a small party with my family, it was hard for everyone. New isn't always exciting. We ended up having a great's.....


I'm not sure who had more fun....Hunter....or.....!!!!! Do you think the Dentist gives a family discount???

Getting the hang of opening presents!

A very exciting present with a story behind it! We went to the store one day and Hunter wanted this football sweatshirt, he wasn't listening so I made him put it back and we left. I told Gram how much Hunter loved it and was very upset, he was "so excited" to be reunited with it....thanks to Papa and Gram!

A giant collapsing hug for Nerf Balls!!!

That's a wrap! We had a BALL!!!!