Thursday, January 31, 2008

More adventures at the Detroit Science Center!!!

The boys and the Bee Hive...

A new first for Hunter....climbing a straight ladder!

Hunter look at me, I'm fast!!!

I'm trying.......slow but sure!

Oh my! That was hard work!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Science Center had this cool water area...

the boys put on their smocks....

and played, played, played!!! Splashing and not getting into trouble for it, Hunter said "that's cool"!!!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Next up is a continuation of the episode "A Trip to The Detroit Science Center". Sit back and enjoy!

What a beautiful morning, to bad we have to work today!

Enough strolling along...faster.....faster......we're late for work!!!

We're late Dr. Hunter....let me help you!

Welcome to "Hunter's Anatomy"!!! Doctors Andrew and Hunter are conferencing about the case that lies before them today.

What do we have here? I need to take a closer look!

It is important to Think, Think, Think.....but sometimes Dr. Andrew we need to be creative about problem solving. Let's re-create the scene and be smart about solving this mystery!

I see, Dr. Hunter....This must be how the things went down!

Dr. Andrew I think we need to take a closer look....

Why we've done it!!!! We discovered the problem! The End.
Stay tuned for the next episode of "A Trip to The Detroit Science Center"....
A trip to....

with our friends Miss Tricia (plus baby due in 1 week) and Andrew!

When you get down to the Heart of it.....its good to have friends!!!

There was so much for the boys to see, they were crouching down, standing on their tippy toes and jumping for joy!

A winter craft project...Ice Skates. Hunter loves glitter or "sprinkles" as he calls it :)

Proud Artists and Fashionistas!!! Thanks Miss Wendy for keeping our little guy so trendy!!! More pictures from our fun filled Science Center Trip to come.....

Monday, January 21, 2008

Gigi I have stockings too!!! Hunter is fascinated by Gigi and Miss Wendy's stockings, the other day he found a pair in my dresser, obviously they must have been left over from the 80's being there white, but Hunter still thought they were "cool"!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A week ago....

Hunter had his first trip to FRANKENMUTH!!!!

To see Great Grandpa and Grandma Gruss and have a chicken dinner!

Is that Laffy Taffy???

Frankenmuth wouldn't be complete without a trip to Bronner's! Hunter got a special Guitar ornament, which he thought he would give a try!!!

Grandpa and Grandma bought Hunter his own Nativity, he loves putting baby Jesus in Mary's arms! Hunter was sad to leave Frankenmuth and Great Grandpa & Grandma Gruss!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ok, I made a ton of resolutions this year, and I am doing really well at all of them, but I just realized that apparently one of them wasn't to keep up on the blog....sorry :(

I will try to be better, so here goes, this was Hunter the other night on our way to one of my nursing homes, they were having music, Accordion and Banjo players. One of my patients wanted to go and I thought that Hunter would love it too! I was right, he was so interested he sat just staring at the instruments, my patient taught him to tap his foot and hand to the beat, and by the end he was dancing! All of the older adults loved Hunter and of course wanted to give him goodies, which he ate right up (the snacks and the attention!!!) I had an exciting proud mom moment when I told Hunter to say goodbye to my patient and he said, putting his hand out, "nice to meet you" and he shook his hand, I was almost in tears it was so sweet!!! Then it was back home where I barely got Hunter in the door and he started to vomit. So, what was a fun wonderful night quickly turned into a little Gastro-Intestinal disaster! So, yesterday I stayed home with Hunter and we went to the doctor, and I am happy to report he is feeling better today, still not eating really but on his way to feeling better. Hope everyone is doing well, feeling good and succeeding at their resolutions!!!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Bye Bye Christmas! Hunter is so sad about the decorations, songs, chocolate and presents being gone! He is still singing "Holly Jolly Christmas" that is his favorite and begging for anything having to do with Christmas, when I put the decorations away and took down the tree you would think he was hurt by the way he reacted. It was really fun this year as he understood what was going on and really got into it! Today we went to Church, Hunter had so much fun making new friends, he talked about it all day. I haven't written lately about his development but it has been vast, his comprehension astounds me, the words he uses and now the phrases he has picked up. Thank goodness we don't swear because the things he repeats are bad enough, yesterday I was on the phone with my sister when Hunter said "Wait a minute mom" with a little attitude, because he wasn't getting his way, I had to laugh behind his back because I am always telling him to wait a minute, you have to be patient. I am now rephrasing! Hope all is well with everyone, have a great week! From me and Mr. Sassy!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Mom thinks I look BEARY Adorable!!! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Last year for Christmas Grandpa bought Hunter his own Carhart Jacket to help out with the winter chores and fun....

This year it fit!!! Grandpa and Hunter together in their Carharts! That's Cute!!! or as Hunter says "that's coot"!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! from Hunter and I in our annual pj's...this year....Snowmen!!!

"Glo-worm not feel good" "have to take his temperature", Hunter amused us for a while tending to his sick friend. He used his creativity to see a nail file as a thermometer!

Poor little Glo-worm he has a fever, he's cold!

Hunter loves his vintage Christmas present!!!! Doesn't it bring back memories!!!

I thought for sure Hunter would be sleepy, lay nicely on the couch and watch movies.....but boy was I surprised when he kept us entertained, here he is still going, this time singing into the nail file as a microphone!

After waiting all night long to see the ball drop, at 11:59:04 Hunter decided he had to go to the bathroom, he stripped down off he went....and.......we missed the ball dropping :( Hope that isn't a sign of the year to come! We hope you had a wonderful and safe ringing in of the New Year!