Sunday, April 30, 2006

Happy Belated Easter Hunter!!! He dug right in, and you guessed it...put everything in his mouth!

Hunter received 5 Easter Baskets this year, he is not spoiled...he is well loved!!! Hunter's basket were filled with goodies that Hunter can love and enjoy, but that were also practical, which mom loves! Thank You! We just got home from our cousins First Communion Party, where Hunter got to meet some of his family for the first time, and you guessed it, they thought he was just as wonderful as we all do! Hunter returned to his crib for the first time last night, it was not easy. He has been sleeping in the swing or bouncy seat for three months, so this is not easy for any of us, the screaming hopefully will only last a few days :( Before the party Grandma and mom went to the nursing home to give a party for one mom's Hospice patients, Grandma did her hair and she looked so pretty, but her daughter was telling us about her work with babies that go home with feeding tubes, life support, etc. and it made me remember just how fortunate we are to have our beautiful Healthy baby boy! The past few months of Hunter being sick have been overwhelming, and it was good to be reminded of how blessed we are! It is also wonderful to report that Hunter made it his first week without having to go to the Doctor, we are very thankful! I am also giving thanks for all of you and the support you have been for us, we appreciate your comments, prayers, thoughts, and kind words of encouragement! We love you!!!

Hunter with his cousins, Alyssa, Kimberly, and Joseph at his 5th Birthday Party! They love their new baby cousin, as you can tell! Hunter is excited because this evening he gets to meet family he has not yet met!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Who is that? Oh, it's me!

Yesterday, Hunter discovered his reflection was him! He has looked in the mirror and laughed for a long time, but yesterday he was playing with these musical mirror, and he kept pulling away, then looking real close, and laughing it was so funny! Well, today was a very busy day. I had a work event this morning, so Hunter got some alone time with his dad, then we went for a walk to the stores, shopping, and back. Then we went to Hunter's cousin Joey's 5th Birthday party, tons of fun!!! Well, that is it because I am to tired to write anymore, hope you all are having a wonderful, eventful weekend too!

Friday, April 28, 2006

My little baby face :)

Thank you guys for your feedback, it helps to know if I am delivering the news you like reported! Hunter and I had a quiet day today, we accomplished many things. Hunter is learning that if I leave the room, and he starts to whine I come back...not good :( Actually, yesterday he did this with my friend Amy and I thought he was just being fussy, but no, I think he would rather be entertained then play by himself. I am having a hard time knowing how much time to entertain him, and how much time to let him fuss and play alone. See, I hate whining more than anything in the world, so I would rather sit and entertain him so I don't have to hear it, but I realize that is the bad thing to do, because not only will it make things worse, but I will never get anything done. So, there is my dilemma, believe me it doesn't say in the book, spend X amount of time doing this, and X amount doing that, I looked :) Hunter also learned today that if mom goes away at his bedtime, dad lets him do whatever he wants! Hunter's bedtime is 7 p.m., I am usually within five minutes. Tonight, I got home at 7:15 and dad was holding Hunter watching TV, now Hunter was sleeping but this was not his night sleep, he still needed to get ready for bed, eat, etc. It is already is the bad guy! That is about it today, other than Hunter did try the Asparagus, it was not well received :(- We hope you all have a wonderful weekend! If you know anyone who is looking for a cat that is well taken care of, please let me know...Kissi will soon be leaving us, as we are just not willing to take a chance of Hunter's health versus our family pet, very sad. Keep your ears open, thank you!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Action Shot...We have to thank Grandma for teaching Hunter to splash, so cute, but what a mess!!!

Hunter had another good day, he is still not quite himself but he is not sick!!! I love that! He played with baby Paige today, he isn't very polite though, he pulled off one of her socks, I'm kind of surprised that he didn't pull it off just to put it in his mouth. It was really cute Paige was holding a toy in each hand, and she waved them around, well Hunter thought she was giving them to him, so he would grab on, but Paige didn't let go. Therefore, Amy and I found ourselves talking about sharing, already :) It is funny that both Hunter and Paige like music, I performed one of our sign language songs, and they both stop and stare. I thought it was just Hunter, but then Paige did it too, which gets me wondering, do all babies love music? After all of that fun it was time to go, and we felt bad leaving because Paige looked a little sad, so we blew her a kiss! Love you guys, always have so much fun!

The rest of the day was just our normal rituals, except dad tried something new, Asparagus. It was so good, and Hunter is going to try some tomorrow. He is not to fond of the green vegetables, maybe this will be better. Well, I type away day after day, so I got thinking...let me know what you would like us to talk about, or if you have ideas, thoughts, we love interaction and always are looking for fun new projects and ideas! Hope today was good, have a great one tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hunter enjoyed his juice, he kept staring at the cup, and drinking out of the side of his mouth, it was cute but odd! Chicken is still not being enjoyed, actually I have to hide it in his fruit and vegetables, not a good sign. We talked to Aunt Mimi today, and Hunter shared his screaming with her she was impressed! For the first time today, I realized that Hunter knew something. It was really cute he was playing with this computer toy that Grandma and Papa Smith gave him, and he hit the part the does the ABC's, so I started singing and signing them, he was watching me while laughing and smiling. Now normally he would continue to whack on all of the other parts that make noise, say the numbers and shapes, etc. but he didn't, he sat laughing, and when it ended, he looked over and hit the same ABC button again, looking back at me to sing and sign, he did it two more times after that. It was just the strangest feeling, that just a few months ago, he didn't know that I existed, he couldn't hold onto things, he didn't make noise, and now just a few months later he is interacting. It is absolutely amazing! People say that childbirth is a miracle, but I think it is everything that happens after. You learn your life about how the brain works, but now I get to see how it works, I feel so privileged! Everyday it is something new, what could be better than that! Love you all, talk to you tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Hunter mid-scream! Grandma loved Hunter's screams today, they kept her in stiches all day long. Hunter had his first outing in quite a while, we went to the mall with Grandma for a little while, I think he forgot how to shop, a mother's worst nightmare! He didn't do much better with his Chicken today, I guess it will take a while to grow on him. Mom almost gave in and let Hunter get another haircut when Dad was getting his, but maybe we will hold out for another week. I have to report that I am doing something I said I didn't want to do. I am going to buy Hunter a toy to hook on his car seat. I just really don't like them, but I also really don't like packing 20 toys for a trip because they all end up on the floor. I like to report these things because I know there are those of you, who think "We'll see" when I come up with my wacky ideas, and I just like to make it easier for you to see... I changed my mind. It seems like a lot happened today to report, but that is only because I got up at 4:30 this morning, I was in a cleaning frenzy, I even washed the floor on my hands and knees. I'm not sure what came over me, but hopefully it doesn't happen again. Hope you all are having a wonderful, eventful, and exciting week!

Monday, April 24, 2006


It was Chicken, and let me tell you he did not like it! He screamed and spit it out, over and over. Finally mom got smart and mixed it with his other food and he was none the wiser! It took us about a month and a half to get to even start the Chicken. We wanted to but with Hunter getting sick over and over, we didn't have the opportunity, so finally today and then a reaction this funny, poor thing he was screaming and I couldn't help but laugh, it was too cute! This should be exciting news for My Grandma, guess what Hunter will be trying next? Juice, grandma has been wondering when this would be added to Hunter's diet, so Juice...coming soon :) Hunter was so much fun today, back to almost himself, lots of laughing, smiling, playing, kisses and of course screaming! Which our friend Kathy got to hear while we chatted on the phone, she thought it was pretty cute too! The phone interruption is already beginning :( Hunter is learning his songs in sign language now, and he thinks his mom is pretty funny and entertaining. Thank God, there are no hidden cameras in my house! We hope that your week is going well, and keep those comments coming, I love them!!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Hmmm...what's this, Hunter thought.
"Don't you like it Hunter, it's your new teething pop. Try it again, it will help your gums," mom said.
"Hunter look at the camera, smile for mom, Hunter", mom begged. Tough luck mom, I'm enjoying this, Hunter thought.

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend, we sure did. It was a nice balance of getting things accomplished and resting! I had to break into Hunter's Easter Basket today, to get out his new teething pop. He was putting everything he could get in his mouth, in there, more so than usual. It is really nice if you don't know what it is, it's new to me too. I put his homemade food in there, today apples, then you freeze it, so when he chews on it he gets some of that taste. We are thankful that Hunter seemed to be feeling a lot better today, except for his breathing which seems to be something we all just have to get use to. It is has been bothering Hunter that we are trying to get back on schedule. We have been on sick time where anything goes, not anymore. If he had his way he would just get the bottle all of the time, and that means all day long! He is so funny though, he is screaming a lot, his screaming seems to be when he is happy, then he laughs, it is really cute. We stopped laughing because I think that is how those bad habits happen, from reinforcing those behaviors that are really cute at us, which they aren't so cute to others and become even less cute when they continue. You know exactly what I mean, when you see those kids in the grocery store, restaurant, etc. and you want to tell them to knock it off, or ask their parents, "What's wrong with you!" Anyway, I'm sure Dave, Hunter and myself will do a lot of things to irritate people in the years to come, but these ones that pop up, like screaming we are trying to take care of right away. Of course, being sure to not stifle his development. Poor Hunter, I'm not sure what is worse, a mom who lets them do whatever they want or me, who is so analytical. I guess we will have to wait and see. Have a wonderful week everyone!

Saturday, April 22, 2006


Here sits Hunter with his Pin Oak Tree, that will eventually grow to 70 feet tall and 30 feet wide, I am thinking maybe his grandchildren will get to see that. I wanted to get a pretty flowering tree, but out of respect for the MEN of the house I got a manly Oak tree. As you can tell by the picture Hunter is definitely not 100% maybe not even 50%. At times he seems to be feeling better, than he cries or screams and we don't know what is hurting him. Very frustrating, I can see why people want to rush the talking because this feels very helpless, for him too, I imagine. I think he enjoyed his outing, and the hour drive there, the hour drive back he did not enjoy...which meant we didn't either :) When we walked around the property, we bought 6 acres last summer for those of you who may not know, he smiled and even laughed at the bugs. I was freaking out! I guess the boy bug amusement is already beginning, I guess I better get use to it. Hunter experienced his first rain as we were walking back to the Jeep, he smiled and laughed at that too! Well, that is it for tonight, we are glad to be bringing back pictures, and we are extremely thankful that Hunter is on the uphill! Thank you for your thoughts and prayers!
The zoomed in view, where as you can tell, Hunter is still not himself :(

Friday, April 21, 2006

Well, I am not going to gross you out by the details of obtaining the material for the doctors office to study, let me just tell you that I had my first lesson in "what you do for your children". Hunter slept most of the day today, and was running a low grade temp when he went to bed, poor guy he just can't break the cycle. I am not sure what this means, as I thought he might be getting a little better, I guess as usual it is wait and see. I am hoping he feels better so we can plant a tree, out at our property, for Earth Day tomorrow, it will be so nice to get his picture by it and watch them grow year after year.

Those of you who know me well, will not be surprised by this at all, but I began planning Hunter's first birthday party today! It is a secret, but let me tell you it's going to be fabulous! He turned 7 months, yesterday. With all of the sickness I forgot to mention that in the blog, but he is growing so fast that 12 months will be here before you know it. I get really sad thinking about that, so as my way to not be sad I decided to start planning the party, it has to be good because Aunt Mimi is flying in for it!

We hope that everyone had a good week, and that you will have a great weekend! If Hunter is feeling better tomorrow you will see a picture of him with his Earth Day Tree!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

First of all...I would like to thank all of you for your calls, comments, cards and gifts that have shown us how much you care about Hunter and his well-being as well as ours! It is very touching, and I appreciate the support as this has been a very difficult few months, as a new mom, let alone a new mom of a repeatedly sick child who needs advocating for. So, thank you!

It has been very difficult to see Hunter sick this week, it is a different sick then the congestion, coughing and not being able to breathe. He knows something is not right, and looks at us as much to say...Please fix it! With those big blue eyes, my heart just melts because he is so miserable! Today he was very weak, and lethargic. I think that five days has worn him out and even though he is not dehydrated he must feel worn out. Tomorrow we will go back to the doctor, and hopefully they will have something to make him better!

I feel the need to clarify the kisses Hunter has been giving me, as today I realized the root of his open mouthed dives into my face. It became clear today, that this may be an attempt to get my nose in his mouth, not kiss me. Funny I know, teething who would have thought. Now, grandma witnessed the first one and said that it was a kiss, so maybe he realized that there was something huge sticking out that he could bite, who knows! Take care everyone, and thanks again!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Hello all, I wish I had better news tonight. I thought for sure Hunter was going to feel lots better today, but that was not the case. I'm not sure if he felt a little better or a little worse. He wouldn't eat very well, and he threw up in the afternoon, but he didn't sleep as who knows. He has one more day to get better, otherwise the doctor wants him back for tests. I tried to have Hunter give dad kisses tonight, but he was just not feeling up to it, hopefully tomorrow because it is just the best thing ever! It makes this whole situation more bearable for me, I only wish there were something to make it more bearable for him. Hope you all are feeling well, take care!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Well....Hunter went to his home away from home again today...the doctor's office. Hunter is still very sick, fortunately we have been able to keep him hydrated but unfortunately we have not been able to remedy any of his symptoms. The doctor actually said this can take up to five days to get rid of, and if on Friday he is not better we have to take him back for a study. As if he hasn't been through enough. The doctor said this is going around, and that it is contagious. Hunter got it from someone else who was carrying it, and didn't wash their hands, they either touched his hands, his toys, etc. then he put them or the toy in his mouth, and lucky Hunter. Which is very upsetting to us, because of everything he has already been through, and we were looking forward to watching baby Paige on Thursday and we just can't take the chance of her getting sick too, although I am becoming OCD hand washer it's just not worth taking the risk.

I do have a funny and embarrassing story about the doctor's office. We were in the waiting room when (I should tell you that Hunter's stomach and other natural bodily sounds are very loud since he has been ill) so, we are waiting when Hunter lets out the loudest and longest passing of gas, so bad that people were looking at us and laughing, I'm sure they thought it wasn't possible to come out of Hunter so cute and little, which obviously made us embarrassed because we were the likely culprit.

The best thing happened while we were in the room, I hope some of you can relate. I have been working very hard to get Hunter to give kisses, and blow kisses. I was holding him when he turned grabbed my face and dove into it with a wide mouth, it was the best feeling ever, I couldn't stop from tearing up, and neither could grandma. I thought it probably wasn't a kiss, but grandma said it was for sure a kiss! So, I said Hunter give me another kiss, and I kissed him and he did it again, probably the most exciting accomplishment this far. Definitely what I needed when we are both feeling so bad, it pains me to see him this sick...again. His sickness this time has brought out a different side of him, he is very cuddly, which just tugs at your heart!

We hope that you all are doing well, and we hope that we will be bringing you pictures again real soon!

Monday, April 17, 2006

I am sorry everyone for no recent pictures, but our little pumpkin is sick again.
This time it appears he either has the flu or some stomach virus, it started Saturday night at about midnight Hunter threw up for the first time and it has basically spiraled downward since then. I am monitoring him closely for dehydration and his fever is gone now, needless to say he doesn't feel up to getting his pictures taken, and Ha Ha...he hasn't got dressed. It is amazing he is so good natured, he will even smile every now and then, as sick as he is. Please say a prayer for Hunter, that he gets better this time, and stays better. I am so thankful that all of his ailments are fixable (my own word), but it doesn't make it any easier to see him this way. Hope this finds you well, and that everyone had a wonderful Easter! Belated Easter pictures to come, when Hunter is feeling better!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

A bunch of funny bunnies!!!
HAPPY EASTER!!! Wishing you a wonderful and relaxed Easter Sunday!

Stop....enough pictures mom....

Saturday, April 15, 2006

I could really get use to this!
I don't know what it is....but I think I like it!

Hmmmm....what's this?

Friday, April 14, 2006

Mom, enough with the pictures and the walking...I'M TIRED!!!

Hunter and I had a nice quiet day while dad worked on his truck. We had the windows open, what a beautiful day! I figured out that I am going to have a hard time this summer keeping Hunter cool enough. Girls are easy because they can wear a little sundress or a romper, but boy...boys are difficult. Even today in the house with the windows open, wearing a onesie and light cotton pants, he was warm. I am very afraid that he might turn me into the crazy naked baby with a diaper mom. I do see that coming because he loves to be naked, he rolls all over, makes noise, sucks on his feet, he would stay like that all day if I let him, it is pretty cute. Currently, Hunter and I are walking three miles a day, we have to get moving if we want to make it the twenty miles a day for three days, for the Breast Cancer 3 day walk. I like the walking because I feel better, but Hunter likes it because of all the attention he gets as people pass and say how cute he is! We wish everyone a happy healthy holiday weekend, we will be in touch!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Hunter loves the plastic rings that stack, he tries to put them in his mouth, well the other day he kept peeking through them, and of course...I grabbed the camera! I hope this isn't a sign he is like his mom, and loves DONUTS!

Hunter had another great day with his friend Paige, they played and enjoyed the wonderful weather! The bunny came early today for Hunter at Amy and Paige's house and Hunter got his own cell phone! Let me tell you he loves it! He is always trying to grab ours and of course...put them in his mouth. Now he has his own, thanks ladies for thinking of something you knew he would love! I am looking forward to our next visit, where Amy is going to teach me how to use cloth diapers. I know...I said it would be a cold day in @#$%. Well, times have changed I'm working less, Dave is working less, we are trying to finish our house so we can sell it, and they put 49,000 diapers in the landfill every day. So, we are going to give it a shot, wish us luck! Have a wonderful friday everyone, only a couple more days until the bunny comes!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

What is that?
Wait what is this?

I think they are a little curious of me too! A little holistic allergy testing took place this morning, and proved to have no significance on Hunter's symptoms. He sure love watching, Haley back and Hayden front running around! Not much to write today, really tired and you come for the pictures anyway, I'm hoping I will get more sleep tonight then I got last night. Hunter had me up every two hours :( Talk to you all again soon! The bunny is coming soon!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What a beautiful day today, right? I have a major pet peeve to share with Michiganders, it's not summer! Hunter and I had to poke a little fun at all of the people who think when it is above fifty degrees it is ok, to go out in shorts and sandals, its not! Even if you look this cute doing it, its not!
Hello all, did you miss us? Thanks to my PEEPS, for their comments, it is nice to know we are still in your Favorites! I actually have to embarrass myself for yesterday. I was so busy that I forgot to blog, and worse I forgot to get Hunter dressed. Now, my friend Kathy would say I am silly for wanting him dressed everyday, but I think it is just a given in life and another skill in how not to be lazy. You have to start early. Even dad came home and said, are you ok? isn't that was he was wearing when I left this morning? and yes it was. He was shocked. Today is back to normal, and Hunter went back to the doctor, I am thrilled to report his chest is clear breathing treatments only when necessary! Hunter either is getting another cold, or even though they can't say, has allergies, and another eye infection. Poor thing he can't get a break. So tomorrow we are doing a cat study and if he reacts to them, then we are going to find them a new home :( but Hunter comes first! We are excited to report Hunter has a new cousin today, a healthy baby girl! A day of great news!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Looking Cool!!! It is so hard for me to believe how much Hunter has grown, just three months ago I bought him these sunglasses for our August Calendar Photo Shoot, they would not stay on his face, and now just a few months later, they fit perfectly. It is going so fast :(

Hello everyone, hope you all had a wonderful weekend, we did!!! Hunter and I went for a big walk today, this is him on the first attempt, then we said "Dad it isn't that nice out." So we went in and added a layer to the two he already had on. We have to thank Miss Marianne and Miss Michele for this cool outfit, I love Hunter sporting my Alumni wear! Go Broncos! Hunter is squealing up a storm. I think it is so cute! Which makes me realize that when kids do things that are completely obnoxious, their parents probably think it's adorable. We hope that you all have a wonderful week!
Dad was teaching Hunter a little hide-n-go-seek in preparation for the bunny hiding his basket next Sunday!

Saturday, April 08, 2006

What a Day!!!

Both exciting and exhausting. Let me tell you about SAVE THE DRAMA FOR YOUR MAMA. Hunter and I went to lunch with our good friends Marianne and Michele, so Hunter missed his nap. He was really good during lunch and on the way home. Then the aftermath came. I tried to get him back on schedule because we were going to hang out with some family tonight, and I wanted him to be good and stay awake. Well all afternoon whining, and carrying on. We get there and for the first little while he was his perfect self, then he was overcome by not knowing what was wrong with him. Finally he went to sleep and we are good. I just learned an important lesson, that Save the Drama for your Mama, starts very early! Everyone else thought he was so well behaved, I know the truth...that he is a normal baby. Love you all!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Happy Friday! We hope you all had a great week, and now that you are going to have a wonderful weekend! We had a great day today, Hunter started squealing when he was playing, so bad that mom couldn't talk on the phone without interruption, so it begins. It is really adorable to see, because he makes the cutest faces while he is doing it, I think he wonders where the noise is coming from, it gets louder, and louder. Hunter is looking forward to tomorrow we have a busy day. Dad is building our fireplace mantel, and we are going to lunch with Miss Marianne and Miss Michele. Then we will be going over to visit some family that we haven't seen in a long time, we are all looking forward to that! Have a relaxing and fun weekend!
Check out my tongue, isn't it cute!!! That is as far as it comes out! You can tell I'm really teething, my drool is increasing, it only took a few minutes for my shirt to get wet like this.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Hunter's gift from Paige's grandma, and it was full of goodies that as you can see he couldn't wait to get his MOUTH on!!! I guess size perception is something he hasn't mastered yet :)
Hello everyone! Thanks Kathy for leaving us a comment! I love to blog but it always helps to know that you are enjoying seeing Hunter daily. I know you are all checking in, Hunter gets about 30 hits a day, but hearing your comments makes me happy! Hunter had a great day today with Paige. They are so cute together! They kept going after each others toys its almost like they knew they shouldn't. Being they go right in their mouths Amy tried to keep them seperate but I think it might be a lost cause, they bend, reach and grab now and are quick little buggers. We even enjoyed the nice weather and went for a walk, I need to get at it as mom and I are training for the Breast Cancer 3 day walk. Check out Paige's site it has been updated. We know you realize like we do, that they are the cutest babies that were ever born!!! Hunter was excited because Paige's grandma came to visit them today, and not only did she bring a gift for little Paige but also our Hunter. If that isn't the sweetest thing, and it is his first sand pail, and it has his name on it! How cute is that! Happy Early Friday Everyone!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Hunter and I did not feel like RISING & SHINING this morning, and we bet you didn't either. Have a great day!!!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I went to the doctor today, and I am weighing in at a healthy 17 1/2 pounds! With a little help from the steroids.

It's official it takes five years of marraige for your spouse to rub off on you. I just went off on the Pharmacist. Our visit back to the doctor today resulted with waiting on the shots because Hunter is still wheezing, has congestion and is now on a new liquid steroid and continuing on the steroid breathing treatments, as well as regular breathing treatments. What a good boy for everything he has been through in his short lifespan. Hunter had a great day with his grandma today, and he even had another biscuit at the dinner table with all of us. The doctor was really impressed by how well Hunter sits, and says he is right on track for all of his milestones. The babbling with constanents is behind but that is expected with his tongue tie. Hope you are all well, say a prayer for our baby that this round of steroids knocks the gunk out of him!

Monday, April 03, 2006

The wait is over...he did it! Like I said, anything he can get in his mouth he will!

Ok, peeps ( in the spirit of Easter :) I want to hear your comments, I miss them!!! We had a fun day today, Hunter has become quite a spaz. He is jumping, and flailing, and squeling with excitement I don't know who it takes more energy out of...him or me. Today was the first day, we will see if it continues. Tomorrow Hunter goes for his 6 month check up, he is behind because of being sick, I didn't want him to get his shots when he already had so many issues. Tomorrow is the day, poor Hunter. Tomorrow he is also starting a new fruit, Plums! I didn't know he could have them, but I read about it and he can, then apricots, he is going to be so excited! Plums are the first food that is a pain to make, slippery little buggers! Love you, send your comments!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Check out my new slide show to see how I got this MESSY!!! I even got some of this in my ears :)

Hello everyone, hope you had a wonderful weekend, they go to fast don't they! I'm sure you checked out the pictures right away, that is the best part right! Watching Hunter eat that teething biscuit had to be one of the cutest things he has done, the mad face was my favorite, he actually was shaking and grunting. I think he has his dad's temper :) That's all for tonight, I have to go make fresh apples and pears. Talk to you tomorrow.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I can't just play with one toy at a time, especially when they are all made for my mouth, and the rings get stuck on my feet!

Hunter had a great day today, lots of smiling and playing! Then he got to go see his Papa and Grandma Smith, and he always has a good time with them. Of course, he had to show off how well he sits up and demonstrate putting everything in his mouth. They were impressed of course! We are taking it easy this weekend, and hope you are doing the same! Talk to you tomorrow.