Wednesday, October 24, 2007

This is an out take, but wait until you see the photo's from Hunter's Halloween Photo Shoot!!! This was the first photo shoot in a very long time, when Hunter was small and stayed where I put him it was much easier, now it's a different story! This time Grandpa and Grandma had to help bribe him, but in the end we have several pictures of our Motorcycle Man that are priceless!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Hunter's first pick at the Pumpkin Patch!

He may be two but he is still My Little Pumpkin!!!

Finally I'm free!!! Hunter says, Mom not everything is a photo opportunity. Boy is he mistaken :) We hope that you are enjoying the weather as much as we are, this is our favorite time of year!

Monday, October 22, 2007

This is Hunter's new favorite thing, Halloween walks before bedtime. He loves to go looking at the lights, and really gets a kick out of the character ones, and because I took my camera on the first walk (this picture) every time we see great lights now he says..."cool take a picture" the walks even inspired us to put up some lights. We figured we couldn't complain that no one had any out if we didn't either!!! I can't imagine how much he will love Christmas! Plus, Christmas isn't scary bones popping out of the ground, unless the snowmen are affected by Global Warming, ha ha. It's really cute to hear Hunter say Global Warming :)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Check out my new piano!!!! Thanks Miss Kathy!

Are you guys watching me????

Hunter has really taken a liking to music, whether it's the drums, singing, dancing or the new piano he really gets into it! I love to see the artsy side of him developing, along with his personality. I haven't posted in a while for a number of reasons, one being Hunter has been very challenging lately. Things have been going better with the implementation of the "good boy project" which someone at work helped me tweak, it is only positive reinforcement, no negative at all. Unbelievable how well it is going so far for him, and it is so funny to me to hear how different things work for different kids. The other very exciting thing is about him being potty trained, we decided when he was training that we would just keep him in diapers at night and use up what we had which was only a half a pack, well, that was two months ago and we weren't going through them at all, he was staying dry almost all the time. So, last week we switched him to underwear, he asked for the diaper the first night and hasn't cared since, and one week later, and no accidents! It is so exciting!!!! Well, I hope that all is well with everyone and I will talk to you again soon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Getting ready for Halloween...helmet practice!

Hunter likes to look at himself in the fireplace doors, hope you are having a good week!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

A few weeks ago we were off to our vacation.....

The Breast Cancer 3 Day Walk! Here we are at 6:30 am thinking...."are you kidding me, we decided to do this again?" we did and it was challenging and fun!

Hunter and Violet taking a rest, you would think they walked the 60 miles!

Hunter wearing his way too big supportive tee!

The final steps....

60 miles completed for a great cause!!! It was worth every step or blister should I say :) My poor feet are still recovering!

Sorry everyone for my lack of blogging, as many of you know things have been very crazy at home and work, actually lately I feel like I need Hospice, really! I could go for some counseling, medication and massage therapy!!! Sounds good doesn't it! Anyway, Hunter is finally recovering from being sick but he hasn't recovered yet from being 2 and we haven't either! I have been trying not to blame his behavior on this thing people refer to as the "terrible two's" some have challenged me to think of it as the "terrific two's" but quite honestly there is nothing terrific about it! We are trying to be patient and use all of those wonderful parenting techniques and some not so wonderful ones, that I won't share but know that they too have not been effective. I am also learning that not all children are remedied by an old fashioned spanken, so for now we will continue trying different things but from what I am beginning to understand from some of our friends who have very well behaved children you have to wait it out and be patient, all I can say's going to be a LONG year!!! Please pray for us! We need it in more ways than one! I will try to keep up on posting this week, so check in with us and have a great week!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Friends setting out together for a day of fun at the cider mill on Hunter's second birthday, our second annual trip!

Thanks Paige for having fun with me on my birthday, and thanks to Miss Amy for bringing Paige, and Molly when she was only 2 weeks old!

The mill has a petting zoo which Hunter was excited to get to....

Until he saw the animals and frieked out! Oh My! Between the animals and the funny set ups at cider mill Hunter wasn't very you can see!

Oh, bikes they are always fun!

Ok, maybe not always when there are singing skeletons involved!

A train that looks like fun! Let's see...

It is fun!!! Darling Duo!

Peek-a-boo Paige!

Here is my annual growth picture, this year the creepy skeletons interfered with smiling for the camera

Paige wasn't too fond of the singing skeletons either :)

A sweet treat!

This is my favorite donut picture, they really enjoyed them!

A sneak peak at our day, a combine and Hunter's underpants, it did not turn out as we planned but it was fun nevertheless!!!

Well Hello There!!!

We're back, and I thank everyone for their concern! Yes, things have been very hectic around here lately but we are hoping that things will slow down soon! First of all my Grandpa has been sick so we ask that you send some prayers or positive thoughts his way!!! I will try to post all weekend to get you caught up on our lives, and this will be the first weekend that we have been home in months! We are trying to get things cleaned up, caught up and make a "halloween house" as Hunter has been calling it. He is getting excited about Halloween, he doesn't understand of course, but he is aware of the costumes and decorations. He is especially getting excited for his costume, you'll have to wait and see! I think when the day actually comes he won't be so excited because he really doesn't like masks and characters, but he does this cute thing when he is scared so I'm sure either way I will capture some great moments on the camera for you. Have a great weekend and enjoy the catch up posts!