Wednesday, September 26, 2007

HAPPY "4 5" BIRTHDAY DADDY!!!! We were trying to tell Hunter today that Dad was 34 but he kept saying 4 5 so this was quite a birthday for him he gained 11 years instead of just 1 :) I won't be blogging now until Monday as I am leaving with my mom, Aunt Lori and my two Aunts Rose and Beth for the 60 mile Breast Cancer walk again this year. So, Monday you should get lots of blogging because I won't be able to walk around...just sit at the computer and post pictures :) Have a great weekend! We are all so excited, pretty bad when you have to walk 60 miles to get a vacation, ha ha!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Grandma Smith yesterday, we hope you had a good one!

Celebrating her birthday with her grandkids. We hope that everyone had a great weekend and when things settle down I will be posting more pictures from Hunter's birthday celebrations!!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Pictures from the Thomas & Friends Photo Booth.....

Being silly with Paige, dancing, laughing and yelling "sucker", they were too cute together!

In the photo booth with Owen

Looking cute with cousin Kimmy

Scooting your Caboose with cousin Joey

All the pictures have gone to his head!!! A final picture with cousin Ally to wrap up the birthday party pictures! It was such a wonderful day, hard to believe my little guy has grown up so quickly :( but all of the independence and things he has learned makes it exciting to see what will be coming next :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Today's the day......

HUNTER IS 2 YEARS OLD!!!!! The time has flown by and it's exciting and sad so let's leave it at that. Here is the cupcake cake Grandma made for Hunter's birthday!!! It was a big hit! Can you imagine 12 kids eating cupcakes with blue and green frosting and I don't even have a stain to show for it!

Muffins!!!! No Hunter these are cupcakes...they do look like muffins though :) If you know Hunter you know that he is obsessed with "Mussins" so I thought cupcakes were perfect for his party, he thought so too!

A darling but MESSY face!

Chocolate too!!! Special treat getting to sample both kinds at your birthday party!

We are trying to work on "pretty smile" instead of "cheese" but as you can see so far no luck!

We are behind on our pictures because we still have more party pics to come, but I had to update you that yesterday was Hunter's party at daycare, and we took a special "Hunter favorite's" lunch: corn dogs, corn-on-the-cob, pineapple and popsicles!!! He had a wonderful day! Today we are meeting Miss Amy, Paige and baby Molly for our annual birthday trip to the cider mill! You will have to look back at the slideshow for the pictures from last year, pictures of this year to come!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A great big Thank You to Uncle Scott for bringing the Fire Truck to Hunter's party!!!! The kids loved it, the lights and sirens and getting the tour! Thank you, Hunter is still talking about it! What a lucky boy, not only did he get to ride the train for his party but he got the special visit from the Fire Truck and Firemen too!

The gang's all the back...Owen & Joey, front left to right, Paige, Andrew, Kimmy, Ally and the Birthday Boy!

I'll take you for a ride!

Andrew is just adorable!!!

Big Fire Truck Hunter says, a lot for kids to take in and a lot of fun!

That's a wrap! Thanks again Uncle Scott!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

We're ready for the train to come.....are you ready for more pictures???

When you're the birthday boy you get to help the Conductor!

The Welcoming Committee!!!

Aunt Mimi, Gigi, Kimmy and Joey taking a ride around the block.

Mr. Yash, Andrew and Hunter preparing for their ride.

Our daycare family Miss Karen, baby Sasha and Hunter wanting to sit with Miss Harmonie.

The last ride....Paige and her dad take the final trip around with Hunter, Kimmy and Joey. As you can see riding the Thomas Train was tons of fun!!! More pictures to come tomorrow! Hope your week is going well!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Percy, Thomas and Harold.....Mommy! I made the the characters for decoration and Aunt Mimi had the idea for the photo booth, won't Hunter and his friends be cute in there!!! Especially with Hunter decked out in his train ensemble!

The party is kicking off!

Ally giving the go ahead for the party to start......Choo Choo!

Hunter's cousin Kimmy giving the birthday boy a helping hand!

Our friend Owen taking a trip around the track, the kids were excited for the real train to come!

What is a party without a little dancing, even if it is to the train music!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

In preparation for the big train party, we decided to get Hunter a Thomas train set and table, well Aunt Lori & Uncle Scott came to the rescue giving us Joey's table he has outgrown, Hunter loves it!!!

Thanks Grandpa & Grandma Gruss for the card, we missed you at the party but we'll see you soon!

A few home improvements before the party...

WOW!!!! Harold the Helicopter! For weeks I've been working on drawing some of the Thomas characters for Hunter's party, I was up until 3:30 am last night finishing them, it was all worth it when Hunter saw them this morning, his response was priceless!

You caught me! Grandma was baking all of the cupcakes and we forget now that Hunter can reach onto the counters!

It tastes like it's going to be a great party!!! And it was!!!! I have to post the pictures from Hunter's Thomas Extravaganza in series because I took 200 pictures! So needless to say it was a blast! Hunter is pooped and so are we, but fun was had by all!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

You caught me!!! Had to post this morning because Hunter had me laughing and I thought it might brighten your day! He was reading to himself, things like "thank you fire truck" and "airplanes, motorcycles, school buses, dump trucks, oh my" my little morning ragamuffin!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The other day we heard crying from the front room.....

We found Hunter stuck in the cat carrier!

Once out he wanted back in, he is so silly! We hope you had a great weekend! We did, we got a lot of chores accomplished and Hunter got to spend some time with Grandma and Grandpa, and the boys went to the Woods & Waters festival today, and it's official....I didn't want to say too soon but, Hunter is potty trained! He hasn't had any accidents since last Wednesday and he even went potty for Dave today at the festival where usually he only goes for me when out in public, so we are really excited and so is he, he talks about potty all of the time! I love not wasting our money on diapers or even more expensive pull ups! Just when I think the fun is coming to an end, Hunter enters a different stage and keeps me entertained! Like the other day when he had his first episode of "that's mine!" I just about fell over, he keeps me on my toes! Hope your week goes well and we will keep you posted on what is new and exciting as usual.

Friday, September 07, 2007

First I want to wish my boss Deb a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! She is a faithful blogger :) I hope you had a great one and that you have a wonderful Birthday weekend!!!

So, today I have to balance the blog with the good and the bad, always the bad first....well today it is actually the sad....

Today we had to say goodbye to a special part of our family, Magnum. In the last few weeks he really declined and was having a very difficult time moving, wasn't eating and basically was withdrawing from the world. So, we are sad but we know now that he isn't suffering and with that always brings a sense of peace. Hunter hasn't realized it yet, but when the morning comes I know he will as he always gives him a hug and a kiss before we leave, it makes me sad thinking about's very touching.

So, here is the fun regular blog entry....

Mail??? For Me????

What's in there, "I get it"

Superman Undies!!!! Thank you Miss Erin!!! I have wanted these for so long!!!

Fly Away!!!

SUPERMAN to the Rescue!!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hunter enjoyed this homemade popsicle that he thought was corn!! The things he comes up with sometimes, I just have to laugh.

Yesterday, we were watching Wheel of Fortune and a pharmaceutical commercial came on, Hunter said "wheel chair", Dave asked how he knew what that was, so I explained about going to the Nursing Home, Hunter repeated "Nursing Home" then said "dogs" but Dave thought he said "drugs" which was what was on the commercial so he became worried asking how he knew what that was, I was confused saying well at the Nursing Home we saw a dog show, and that is when he realized he didn't say drugs he said dogs, but anyway I'm sure it's probably not that funny reading it but it seemed hilarious at the time!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I like to party!!! Happy Birthday Mommy!

Happy Birthday to Me!!!! It's still fun I have one more year before the big one!

It's almost my birthday too.......

Hats all around!!! Dave had a wonderful party for me, my favorites, my family, pizza, cake, pop and party hats, it was so much fun!!! My present is delayed but there will be a picture coming soon.....I can't wait! Well, we hope that you are all doing well, and that you have a wonderful week!