Friday, June 29, 2007

A trip to the park with Dad last night, Mom was impressed....he even took the camera!

This weeks Tunes on Thursdays was Country music, so I think Dad might have enjoyed it more than Hunter! Dad reported that Hunter was dancing and having a great time. When I got to see him he was a Hunter-sicle, boy did the temperature drop quickly last night, it was very refreshing! Have a great Friday!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Last week while I was at work I ran into our Music Therapist, she asked about Hunter and I began telling her about his love of music, she suggested that I get him some musical instruments, that it is never too early, I was telling this story to Grandma and.....

She bought Hunter some Maracas! He loves them, he dances around until he gets dizzy....

he plays them along with his music, and he doesn't let me get any good pictures because (you may have noticed one is missing) he likes me to dance with him, and he doesn't settle for faking it anymore!

Hunter's favorite song is "We are the Dinosaurs" off the DVD that our friends Marianne and Michelle bought him. He dances around singing "marching marching" and this picture is of him and Grandma stopping to eat the dinosaur food. Yesterday he begged to watch and dance this video all day long, I have all the songs memorized, scary! Hunter has liked music since he has been a baby it would soothe him, so I'm not surprised he has taken such an interest, it is surprising all of the bits and pieces of songs he has memorized, today he busted out with "A B C D E" after that it was jumbled but that to me is shocking! I saw a musical instrument kit at the store, so I think that will be Hunter's next treat and tomorrow he will be going to Tunes in the Park with Dad, Mom has a friend date! The week is winding down now, hope all is well!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Off to Hunter's first Circus last Saturday with Mom, Grandpa and Grandma.

Jimbo the clown, Hunter's favorite act


Before we went to the circus Hunter kept saying "Tiger Bite" then we get there and he was calling them "kitty's", I guess they are very big Kitties!

Hunter was in awe of the trapeze acts

The acrobats were disturbed by this funny gentleman, Hunter got a kick out of his jumping around.


Mom's favorite was the elephants, we were so close they were huge!

That's a wrap! Sorry for not posting in a while we have been very busy, and Hunter has been sick, he has had a fever for three days so we went to the doctor this morning and he apparently has this virus that is floating around, we can look forward to four more days of not feeling too good, hopefully we can get rid of the pesky temperature soon! Hope you are well, talk to you soon.

Friday, June 22, 2007

These bubbles are almost as big as I am!

Aunt Mimi got these for me for Easter and they are fun!

I wanted to report a new first for Hunter this morning, he was trying to climb out of his crib and I asked him not to do that and he said..........."Why" which struck me funny! Every night on our way home from daycare I ask Hunter what he did that day, and he usually responds with the usual, "play Jenna toys" yesterday he responded "Jenna push down" which got me thinking I sure hope he didn't push Jenna down, but maybe Jenna pushed him down, so I asked Miss Karen today about what Hunter said and sure thing he was telling on Jenna who has been pushing and hitting. These are the times I hate sending him to daycare to learn bad stuff so early, but I have to think of all of the good things that he also learns! Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

My new favorite picture, Hunter and Ethan jumping in the squirt zone!


It helped having Ethan because he is older than Hunter, he's 3 1/2, he loved running after him and jumping around.

Hunter's hat flew off and Ethan came to save the day, also the swim shoes helped. Last night when we were at the Aquatic Center Hunter repeatedly asked to put his shoes on, so for something like this outside I decided it was OK to have swim shoes, but I have to draw the line at the pool.

This was the beginning of the end of Hunter's fun. This is a large squirt gun that shoots water pretty hard, after this Hunter ran in front of it and got hit in the face, he started crying and trying to come to me but then walked through it again, after this even though we clapped and told him what a big boy he was, he really wasn't in to the water fun.

"Papa in Airplane" and Hunter covered in pudding!

Hunter is popular lately, he has had a playdate basically every day! I'm pooped! Tomorrow night we will get a break and who knows what kind of fun thing we will do! We hope that you are doing well and have fun plans this weekend, we are almost there! We do, we are headed to the Circus!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Just catching some rays at the Aquatic Center with my friend Andrew!

Look Andrew, you were right, this is fun! But Mom should get me some swim trunks that actually fit!

After two hours in the water the kids were cold and pruney! I wasn't sure how Hunter would like the water being he hasn't been swimming since last year, and so far he hasn't gotten in any of the kids pools he has been around. It took a little while but he seemed to warm up to it with Andrew's help, he even showed him how to jump in, but that was a skill Hunter wanted to try but never quite made the jump. It is a little after 10 and I actually just put Hunter to bed, after the Aquatic Center we went to our favorite restaurant......Red Robin and Hunter did pretty good for our first experience in a booster chair. Only a few episodes of standing, but we are beat after a fun night in the heat! We are on the down side of the week now, so we hope it is going well, talk to you tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I've officially lost my little polo man.....

When getting dressed he now begs daily for "Johnny Deere"! This is his favorite activity "mow grass please please"!

"Johnny Deere Tractor Hat", I was excited to find this hat on ebay for Hunter, it says My Grandpa Drives a John Deere, this will be perfect for our Gruss 4th & "Grandpa Juice's (Gruss's) birthday party!

I miss you Grandpa and the Johnny Deere's!

Monday, June 18, 2007

As you can tell Daddy had a very relaxing Father's Day! He slept at his family's get together and that must have tired him out because he slept at my family's get together too!

Fun in the Sun with Ally, Kimmy and Joey!

Pampa Kisses!!!

Hello everyone, we hope you had a wonderful weekend, ours was packed! I have to tell you this story that just makes me smile. As you know I am always working on manners with Hunter, he has been saying excuse me Hunter for just about everything when something or someone is in his way. Well, he has now started saying excuse me (whatever it is) so we were turning onto a street where there were cars on both sides and Hunter yelled "EXCUSE ME CARS" I almost had to pull over I was laughing so hard. A mother's love. Not everything Hunter does is cute, that is for sure! He began this stage last week where he likes to scream in the store, short high pitched squeals, not pleasant or cute, actually quite obnoxious. Of course, I had a plan, well it didn't work, so today we entered the store....I was armed with a new plan just in case, that also did not work. I have learned that Hunter is very stubborn and smart! So, after conferencing with my mom and my friend Tricia I am armed with a new plan for next time, but if that doesn't work I think I need to apply for SuperNanny!

Friday, June 15, 2007

This may be my favorite picture ever, Hunter's favorite thing....JUMPING!!!

"Ready Set Go"

Boys are fun, they like running too!

I'm getting the hang of this ice cream thing!

Hunter's new friend Ethan, who shed tears as Hunter was leaving. Hunter was wearing his glasses at 7 when we met up and never took them off until we got in the car at 10! So silly!

Hello everyone, we hope you are going to have a wonderful weekend, ours certainly started out fun! We met an old friend of mine from high school Heather, who has three boys: Bailey, Brendan and Ethan. Hunter sure loved having the boy fun, most of his playmates are girls, he was able to release some energy! Tomorrow is our 6th Anniversary so Dave's parents are going to watch Hunter for us so we can have some time to ourselves, but we have an engagement party so we will get away another time soon. Then Sunday it's Father's Day, and that will be lots of fun. So we hope your weekend is action packed but relaxing and we will talk to you soon!

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Thanks Grandma for the bug shirt! Everyone at daycare loved it! I fit right in during bug week!

This is bug week at daycare, Miss Karen ordered butterflies that would open from their cocoon this week, they had a tarantula named Borus, the house was decorated with bugs, they made bug crafts, received bug prizes and ate bug snacks. Today they ate a caterpillar! Hunter had it all over his shirt to prove it! So, Hunter and I bought the stuff and tonight we made bug soap, the kids will love it! I am excited to report Hunter went on the potty for the 7th time today, he was so proud he called in Aunt Mimi to see, I see some big boy pants in his future. He also made a call to Gigi and Pampa (my grandma and grandpa) this was his first interactive call. He would say "I love you" etc. That is about it, have to run and finish bug soaps, talk to you later!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Happy Feet, Happy Hunter! The first movie Hunter has sat for an extended period of time to watch.

While I make dinner sometimes I will put on a video, which most of the time he doesn't notice. This time he loved it, and the cucumber he stole off the counter!

I didn't say he sat still to watch it, ha ha!

Well, it was a busy day! Hunter was excited for the nice weather, and to see Papa who came over to help on the house. I can't think of anything profound that happened, but maybe that is because I am sleep blogging! We hope you got some rest and are ready to start your week, I am going to do that right now, talk to you tomorrow.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Hi Daddy! Hunter stood in the window off and on all day watching Dave power wash the garage, he would say Hi, blow him kisses, say "I love you daddy" and say "excuse me Hunter" which really means excuse me daddy if he was in the way of whatever he wants to see, and sing, it was very entertaining!

A little chocolate pudding dessert, nothing like Grandma's! But Hunter seems to like it....well, you be the judge.....

Oh, I didn't realize you were there.....I was really concentrating!

I like to show off a little now! "Cheeeeeeeeeese"

Up Close and Really Messy!

Hunter's vocabulary is really growing, unfortunately he now says "shoot" at appropriate times too, he is stringing 4-5 words together on average, "sit down dog, good dog, I love you" these are his typical phrases that he combines, his new favorite saying is "ride harley want helmet" (pictures coming soon) and he has a new song that he is singing "moon moon moon shining bright" we listen to this song from the Laurie Berkner Band DVD and today he just began singing it out of the blue, I just love his little singing voice! He was singing in the store today along with waving to everyone and saying bye bye, some of the people were amused but most were not, he even began blowing kisses which can be a little embarrassing I realized. That's it for tonight, I have the house to myself so I am going to make the most of it, chores here I come!!! Hope your weekend is relaxing and productive!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Well, I have to report it was Hunter's first time being arrested! Just kidding....

It was Hunter's first time at BIG TRUCK NIGHT!

Hopefully Hunter will never be in an ambulance again, but he had fun playing with the machines, and getting a "sticka"!

Very Excited to be Driving all of the trucks. This was Heaven for Hunter, a big place full of trucks, tractors, motorcycles and busses. I think this might have been his favorite night ever!

I asked Hunter if he wants to be a fireman like Uncle Scott, and he said...shaking his head "yes"

The event wouldn't be complete without the "Johnny Deere Gator"

Mommy says, "Hunter what do you want for dinner?". Hunter says, "Pizza Pizza!" He thinks, this night keeps getting better...

and better!!! Because we stopped by Papa and Grandma's and they bought him a Harley Big Wheel! Hurry Daddy! Drive! Drive!

Thank You Papa and Grandma! I love the "Harley"!

Vroom Vroom

They all fall down! All good things must come to an end. Like this blog. Night Night!