Saturday, May 02, 2009

Where are the rest of the Easter they are.....

Where is Hunter's Easter basket????

There it is!!!! He was excited that the Easter Bunny was in his room to hide his basket, pretty sly bunny!!!

Wow! How did the Easter Bunny know that I love Spider Man???

My new favorite!

The annual bunny bread, my Grandpa always liked that I made this, this year if he was here he would have liked it even more, the bunny was slimmer this year!!!


A Pirate outfit!!! Thanks Gigi....I love it!!!

A basket packed with goodies from Papa and Grandma!!! Hunter being a silly Muscle Man :0)

Nice weather for an Easter Egg Hunt!!! Complete with SpiderMan Underoos that came in Grandma's basket!!!!

It was so cute this year to see Hunter with all of the Easter festivities, but we made sure to teach him that Easter isn't just about the eggs, bunny, gifts and candy, but about Jesus of course!!!

Smiling from ear to ear at all of his goodies that were inside of the eggs, no candy just lots of TREASURE!!!

Thrilled with coloring eggs!!! Pretty sad that I was that behind this year that we actually colored eggs on Easter, yikes! Better luck next year!!! I wish I had one of all of us, we got dressed up to go to church, Hunter looked so cute!

The day actually ended poorly. Hunter got one of his cool new Spider Man tattoos on and instantly began to cry, say I needed to take him to the doctor, and within minutes get sick. We thought at first maybe it was a reaction to the tattoo but as you can see in the other pictures he was covered in them from daycare. So, I think it was a combination of the excitement and the rich food, lemon pie followed by carrot cake!!!!


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