Monday, September 29, 2008

A star waiting for his grand entrance to.....

Chuck E. Cheese!!!!!

Dave and I took Hunter for his Birthday, it was Hunter and my first time, I'm not sure which one of us had more fun!!!

He was really good at this one!

A is for Acrobat

Hi....High!!!! This tubing maze was hooked to the ceiling and he had to get down by the.....

Slide! In the past, Hunter hasn't been fond of slides or swings....but now he's changing his tune!

I'm sure that Mom did not win all of those tickets in her Coin Game Addiction!!!! I didn't get a picture of Hunter with all of his prizes, because they announced Chuck E. Cheese was about to come out......and out came tears!!!! Halloween should be interesting!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A birthday gift from Mom!!!

He's really getting the hang of this!

Roller Blades!!!! He was so excited.....

Anxiously waiting.....

To hate them......This was right before the tears came pouring out :0( He thought he liked to skate until he stepped into them. I was so disappointed, I thought I got him this gift he would just love, but apparently he will have to grow to love them :0( It is adorable though, this is the first year he can open his own gifts, express feelings and appreciation, it is amazing to see the changes as he matures and grows!!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Daddy gave Hunter a Smith family party!

Make a Wish!!! (the 4th candle is for good luck)

Digging right in!

Is this a premonition about Halloween????

A hug for Batman and for Daddy what a great party!!!

Hunter loves motorcycles!!!! Thanks Uncle Scott, Aunt Lori and cousins for all the goodies!!!!

A Spidey Scooter, what a big boy he's getting to be!!! Thank you Papa and Grandma Smith for everything!!!
Hunter had a "FANTASTIC" Birthday Celebration!!!

Yesterday was Hunter's official 3rd Birthday!!! I use to blog about everything and this past year has been rather difficult to blog about our life, as you know. So, as I reflect on 3 years of Hunter's life I can't help but get sentimental. This past year has been has been hard for all of us, especially Hunter. Dave and I were not prepared for the awareness that Hunter would really have with our Divorce. He is coping much better now but he has really had his difficulties in being separated, moved around, and his life altogether changed. For a little while everyone we met he had to ask where's your mom/dad, what's their name, or told random strangers about going to mommy's/daddy's house, this obviously was very difficult for both of us as, and at 3 children shouldn't have to be worried about such things. Along with all of the hard times this year there have been tons of great times!!! Hunter has turned out to be very bright and polite and I am so proud of him!!! It is so hard to believe that three years ago he couldn't smile, talk, walk, etc. and now there isn't anything he can't do! The twos did not prove to be terrible! However, the threes seem like they are going to be more challenging, Hunter is now embracing being a boy and like's to rough house, this may be more challenging for me as I learn to be more patient.

I wanted to blog yesterday on his birthday but I just couldn't, Hunter's birthday has always been the best day for me, it is something I look forward to, cherish and really reflect on all of our blessings!!! However, this year Hunter's birthday was great for him but very difficult for me as it fell on Dave's weekend. Dave shared his day with me and we had a fun morning, then Hunter went to his Aunt Lori's for a great party!!! He had a "fantastic" time!!!! It just wasn't our usual. Every year I take off work and Miss Amy, Paige and Molly accompany us to the Cider Mill for a fun day, we always have a great time and it is so neat to see the kids change from year to year, then we have a special family dinner party with another cake, and we do his yearly hand print. It is such a special day for a mom as you reflect on their birth and how your life just isn't the same with this amazing person in it, that you brought into the world!!! This year it was broken and I really tried to thank God for all of the blessings he has given me, but my heart was broken giving up our tradition and time with my baby. So, I apologize because I try not to blog about the Divorce or the reality of our life, but the reality is a Birthday is a time to reflect on the past year and look to the future, and this has been a really sad life altering year for all of us. The consolation is, thank God we have the future to look to! So, the next week of posts will be all of the Birthday fun Hunter has been having and he will have his big party in a few weeks, Enjoy!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy Daycare Birthday!!!! Hunter took John Deere and Farm Animal Cupcakes for the kids, Miss Karen decorated in green and yellow balloons and Hunter even got a cool present with a "Sea Horse"! As you can tell by the smile the sugar is going to his head!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A few weeks ago, Hunter had a very special sleepover with Papa, Gram and Gigi....

They camped in a tent, had a fire, games and lots of fun!!!! It was a special Birthday surprise for me, I got to have a fun night on the town with my friends!!! It was wonderful and long overdue!!!

Hmmm.....I think I like chocolate!!!

A lot!!!!!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sometimes when Mom and Gram are walking Papa takes me....

....Fishing!!! I love the worms.... especially when Papa breaks them in half :0)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I'm sending out big Birthday hugs.... two of the cutest girls!!!! Happy Birthday to Paige and Molly who turn 3 and 1 today!!!! with me who turned 30!!!! Hunter and I attended their Birthday Gala on Saturday and it was so much fun, great weather and great friends!!!

So, today I hit an official milestone. I milestone that I had pictured would come a lot more gracefully than it did. 30 was an age that I have pictured for years, not an age where I think I am getting older but a milestone in which I pictured where my life would be at 30. Obviously it has been a life changing year for many reasons, so it has taken some adjusting that my life is at a starting over point, not a goals attained point. As I reflect on my 20's I realize that they have brought about a foundation of values and lessons learned, so I am officially rethinking my 30's and I am excited at the prospect of being older, wiser and more grounded! To look to a cliche I may not have my perfect job, my perfect family with 2.5 kids and a picket fence but... this weekend I realized that I am way more fortunate than that! I have a phenomenal family and a best friend that are more than anyone could ask for!!!! Thank you guys for making this my best Birthday ever! I love you!!!