Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Look's like a boring blog today.....or is it.......

........Is there someone in there?????

......... it's Hunter!

and.......Hayden!!! Poor Kitty Brother he strangely loves the abuse :O(

Monday, April 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Cousin Joey!!!!

A few weeks ago Hunter had his first baking experience, he loved it! He really enjoyed the end result!!!

OOOhhh.....Look at me I'm cooking!

Mom won't notice if I steal a chocolate chip....or the whole bag!!!

How many licks does it take to get a tummy ache???

Are they done yet???

Milk...... there was drinking and dunking!

The final out come is.....Yummy!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Miss Carol...look who it is.....

Its Dorothy!!! This is the fish Hunter got for Christmas from his Aunt Mimi, she is alive and well!!!

Hunter likes to help "plop" the rocks into the tank when we clean it.

Who is that handsome fella in the mirror????

All clean Dorothy!!! Hunter is still doing well with his first pet, he helps feed her, clean her bowl, and believe it or not this is the original "Dorothy"!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Our final Easter Festivity posting......

Hunter got an Easter package.......full of goodies....

from Miss Wendy :) He gave me a pretty smile but wouldn't turn the basket around for the camera because he liked to look down at the duck face!

It was right after this that Hunter yelled "Candy"!!! I have to be careful because in a matter of seconds now he can unwrap just about anything! Thank you Miss Wendy for the Easter Package!!!! You are one great Peep!

So, that wraps up our Easter activities, even though it looks like Hunter thought the meaning of Easter was candy, presents and bunnies......he has been enjoying going to church on Sundays. He has a new friend there named Giana, the kids sing and dance, they read a story, color veggie tales, learn a lesson and play play-doh. Hunter likes to pray and he can sign Jesus! It was really funny because one day I thought he was saying he wanted to "play" but we were already playing, well after he repeated it so many times he was yelling I realized he was saying he wanted to "pray". He chimes in with "amen" it's really cute!

Friday, April 11, 2008

After Easter morning, Dave took Hunter to his family for Easter Fun!

The kids had fun running around....and falling down!

Papa giving special rides!!!!

A basket full of goodies from Uncle Scott and Aunt Lori! Hunter's favorites are new eyes, play-doh and after playing the other night on such a beautiful Spring evening....side walk chalk!!!

Another basket!!! Hunter is one lucky boy! A basket from Papa and Grandma with his favorites being a new movie, flash cards and chocolate!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

EASTER morning....

The Easter Bunny hid Hunter's basket behind the curtains. He was excited to see Spiderman and balls!

He was so excited about an entire Play-doh kit! He will actually sit and play for up to an hour!

Hunter had Kitty Brother join in the Easter fun, by covering him in Easter grass! Poor Hayden, he isn't too bright he is the only cat who will just lay and let Hunter torture him with love :o)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Hunter's favorite gift and his new best friend is this little bunny from Grandma!! It is so cute, he named this "baby Hunter bunny" and a small bunny that his Aunt Lori got him when they went shopping a year or so ago, he named "mommy Andrea bunny". They have officially taken the place of his dog and I have not been able to pack them away in the Easter stuff, he says they are for Springtime :O)

Hunter received his first Easter basket from Grandma, Grandpa, Gigi and Aunt Mimi, here he is posing with "Myrtle the Turtle"
from Aunt Mimi that came with his own STAR that he can name, we are saving this for a special late night evening where he can actually see the Stars in the Sky!

Friday, April 04, 2008

During the egg dying Hunter got excited and stole an egg....

then he got caught!

He thought it was very funny, it was until he started eating a second egg! I think it is strange that a child would like eggs so much he eats them hard boiled, scrambled, deviled, egg salad...whatever way he can get them!

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Hunter's first experience coloring eggs! Hard to believe that at 2 1/2 he is still having firsts, I love it! What you may have noticed by the pictures is that mom was not quite together this Holiday, poor Hunter, his hair is a mess, he has a play shirt on, I usually try to coordinate these things but this year I was just lucky to be out of the hospital in time for Easter morning! It's times like that I realize some things just don't matter in the big picture.

When you say "cheese" to prompt Hunter for a smile, you now have to specify....Pretty Smile (you get this one!)......or.....

if you don't you get this.........Scary Smile!

We got a detailed account of the process, colors, counting, and the pictures appearing on the eggs! Now Hunter is signing his colors!

The finished product.... he was so in to decorating and looking at them that he wouldn't look up to smile. If you haven't lately check out our friends blog (link to the right) starring Paige and Baby Molly, you won't believe how much they've grown and hopefully soon we will have a playdate!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Here is part of my belated Easter post....

Hunter was not so sure about seeing the bunny again this year, it took him a while to warm up to getting this close, the bunny was very friendly and gave Hunter a high five!

I think I like the bunny.....maybe....

Hunter's first Egg Hunt, the bunny brought special eggs his favorite was Spider man, there were sports balls, ducks, rabbits and frogs!!!

The bitter weather wasn't enough to stop Hunter from trying a treat!

The peppermint patties were for Gigi but Hunter enjoyed them as you can see!

Gigi the gingerbread man has a bum leg! Gigi's leg is sore sometimes so she told Hunter she has a bum leg, well when he was watching Shrek and the bad guy broke the gingerbread man's leg off, Hunter sad he had a bum leg, silly!

The basket kept overflowing, Hunter insisted on making sure they all stayed in before he smiled!

All lined up and ready to go! "I love Shrek people!" The Easter festivities had just began!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

This past weekend, Hunter got a very special trip.....

He got to go to the water with his Dad for a little while to look at the ducks!!!

A little fresh air, spending time with Dad, quacking at the ducks and Hunter was so excited!