Monday, July 31, 2006

There are two things happening in these pictures: 1. Hunter has learned to play in the bottom of the saucer, and when he goes to get out it spins which he thinks is quite funny!
2. He is hanging out in a diaper! Now, you know how I feel about babies in diapers, but even with the air set to 75, the house is like an oven and he was way too hot!

Hello, I hope that you are keeping as cool as possible. We sure are struggling! Poor Hunter, he had a rough day! He must be trying to get a top tooth, and between that and being hot he was so fussy! I think he is teething again because he was chewing on his dump truck and when he went to give me one of his adorable open mouthed kisses, he bit my cheek! Not a teether! On top of the teething, he only slept for an hour today, and that was combining the length of three naps, when normally he sleeps 4 1/2 :( Now, let me tell you Hunter was not the only one feeling fussy (a nice way of putting it!) boy am I crabby! I hate the heat, and I'm moving to Antartica! Well, that is it for tonight, keep the comments coming, I love them!!!!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Hunter before trying Baked Beans...
Hunter after trying Baked Beans, Yuck!

As you can tell...Hunter is not fond of Baked Beans, it was so cute! He shivered and wrinkled his face. Well, the big garage sale is over and we made $500 towards our Breast Cancer walk. So, I have made a decision to quit my job and become a professional garage sale host! Just kidding Deb (aka my boss) but really we did well, the hard work paid off. Hunter went to Papa & Grandma's again today, thanks! It really helps not having to worry about him being out in the heat and the sun. Especially being the Ozone layer is gone, or something strange is happening when it is going to hit 100 degrees in Michigan. One of Dave's friends thinks the world is coming to an end, so maybe I should start shopping more! Wait, isn't that part of the reason I did so well at the garage sale, because I had way to much stuff! Well, Hunter is dancing now to any kind of music, including the ice cream truck! Apparently he is also weight lifting! He was with Grandma Smith when she called him to follow her to another room, which he did, but along with him he dragged a one pound weight :) He usually does have a ball, or TV remote, or something in his hand but who knew he was going to follow so closely in his dad's footsteps! Hope you are keeping cool, or keeping your cool, either way have a great week!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

A little Sun Squint, and a lot of fun in the pool to stay cool, while mom had her garage sale for the walk. I was very entertained with spoons, and lids!
I'm beat from the heat!!!

Hello everyone, I am sorry that it has been a while things have been absolutely crazy trying to last minute fundraise for our Breast Cancer Walk. Thankfully, Grandma & Papa Smith took Hunter overnight on Thursday and watched him on Friday so I could organize my garage sale, thank you! Hunter would have been miserable and there would have been no way I could have gotten so much done! Then today Hunter and Dad played at the garage sale, the weather is just unbelievable, still not as miserable as the heat last summer, being pregnant sure didn't help, but it looks like the next few days will be even worse :( So, one more day of hanging out in the heat. The picture of Hunter sleeping above doesn't do him justice, it was so cute he is sleeping on his knees with his bottom up in the air! Hunter is sleeping on his stomach a lot more now, he seems to be comfortable, they tell you not to let them because of SIDS but do you stop them. Hunter is also back to sleeping normally, he maybe will get up once when you lay him down, but he isn't screaming, so one battle down, many, many, many more to come!!! Stay cool!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Hunter with his cousins, Joey, Ally & Kimmy. What a bunch of Cuteties!!!
Hunter's first time riding face forward, he didn't know what to think, but he loved all the attention as the kids took turns sitting next to him!

Hello, today was a much, much, much better day! Hunter did well taking a nap, and going to bed! As you can see we went shopping with Aunt Lori and the kids today, they were a big help with Hunter, pushing him in the cart, giving him a snack, and helping him with his new sippy cup. I am happy to report, it is the first time Hunter has been able to drink from a sippy cup so I think he is really getting use to his tongue. The kids got school clothes and I realized that one day not so far away I am going to be buying Hunter school clothes, which makes me really appreciate my time with him even when he is being a stinker :) Hope your week is going well, talk to you tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

This is Hunter PASSED OUT after a long two days of fighting over laying down and sleeping! This is actually him passed out while trying to roll over and get up, little stinker!
This was Hunter's first time sleeping on his tummy, and this too was being PASSED OUT after fighting Grandma over naptime :( Do you see the feet sticking out the end of the crib?

First of all....Happy Anniversary Papa & Grandma!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day! Hunter has had a rough couple days, he has decided that he will not lay down. I have decided that I will not give in. Yesterday, Hunter screamed for 2 hours, this began as me lying him down, him flipping over, getting up, and screaming at the top of his lungs for that entire time, Grandma helped me through assuring me that I wasn't scaring him for life :) Finally, a bottle came his way and he passed out. The second nap went about the same way, except he gave in without the bottle after about an hour, and bedtime about a half hour. So, Wendy & Erin I appreciate your support, I can always count on you two to boost my morale, as well as my mom (Grandma) for bringing me a gift and flowers, because she knew how rotten I was feeling, how nice is that!!! Then that brings us to today...Grandma stayed with Hunter while mom (hate to admit it but...) went on vacation (aka work). Grandma kept us right on track with showing Hunter who is boss, and he did reportedly better than yesterday. Little stinker, he didn't scream as much but he learned to fall asleep sitting up, then he would crumble, hence the above belly picture with feet sticking out of the crib rails, I'm telling you he is stubborn. Which brings me to my thought of the evening...why...why...why would Dave and I think we would have mild mannered children when we are two of the most stubborn people that have ever sat foot on the earth? Puzzling!

Well, we hope that your week is running smoothly, quietly, and free from frustration!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Hunter discovered that he recognized the people in his photo album today!!!
He kept flipping the pages, touching their faces, and looking up at me puzzled. Then he started to laugh :)

I am not going to write tonight, I have had my worst parenting day ever, and when I can "laugh about it" I will tell you about it! Have a good one, hopefully tomorrow will be better!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Hunter's first trip down a slide!!!

Hello everyone, we hope that you had a wonderful weekend! We had a very crazy weekend! In good and bad ways. But as you can see from the picture Hunter was not to sure of sliding! His cousin Joey looked on, and then showed Hunter how it was done! He is lucky to have older cousins to show him the way! Hunter hasn't had much sleep in the past two days in terms of naps :( He has learned that he can quickly get from lying to standing over and over and over :( Cute but not cute! Hopefully the novelty will quickly wear off so he can get more sleep and be more alert. He also has managed to get sick again this weekend, we thought it could be an allergy at first but it has been persistent, we are just so thankful that we went for a few months with a healthy boy!!! That's it for tonight, have a great week!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Mom can Paige come over and play everyday?
Thanks Papa & Grandma for this computer even Paige likes it!
We watched Sesame Street for the first time today, I never sat down, I barely even looked up at the screen, because I was in to everything.
Paige sat like a good girl and enjoyed the program! I decided that mom should never be able to get anything done.
As you can see by my facial expression, I was not to happy when mom was giving attention to Paige :(

Hello all, we had such a fun and busy day! I took 50 pictures, they were always doing cute things. Well not always, Hunter was taking Paige's toys away and pulling her hair. We had to have a few lessons in manners! The cutest thing was the kids dancing together! Hunter just bops, but Paige bops and waves her arms, ADORABLE! Then it was time for Miss Amy to pick Paige up, but she is welcome anytime! Then we packed up to go to Grandma's for the night, we got a new travel trailer. Hunter really enjoyed playing on the seats, I'm sure we will make a lot of memories in there! That is it for now, we hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Look at me on my 10 month Birthday!!!

Well, Hunter is happy but mom is sad, I just can't get over how fast it is going, my baby is gone. Now I see why people do weird things like nursing till their kids are five, letting them sleep in bed with them forever, or not potty training them until their five, it's sad. I am thankful to my friend Amy (baby Paige's mom) who was very empathetic today as she too knows what I'm feeling. My coping strategy = party planning! I guess this means I should just have another one....yeah right! Did we all forget last year? Anyway, Hunter had so much fun today and as you can see he was pushing around their walker, and loved it, so as the mom I never wanted to be I have said...Hunter needs one! So I began the quest tonight for one! You will be the first to know when he gets it because I am sure maybe a photo or two will be taken :) It was also so nice, Amy and Paige brought Hunter back gifts from Australia, he got a cute shirt, UGG boots for the winter, and a stuffed Kookaburra toy (just like the song...Kookaburra sits by the old oak tree...) I didn't know it was a real bird :) and mom & dad even got some fabulous chocolate! Thanks again! This just makes me think, as well as I just got off the phone with Wendy, I really appreciate my friends and family for how understanding and helpful they have been in this year of so many ups and a few downs. Thank you, I love you guys!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Mom's little helper!

Sorry we didn't post yesterday Mom is feeling stressed! I'm sure you can all relate to feeling overwhelmed by commitments, and projects. I am trying to get really organized and finish all of the projects I have half started, but I am finding that difficult with my little helper. Even something as simple as making dinner has become far more complex! My little fella is exploring everything! Weird things too, I understand this is a boy trait. Today I began positive reinforcement as my other discipline techniques were not working, I read up on Hunter's personality and it seems like this is already helping. Dad thinks I'm crazy, he likes spanking, but Hunter thinks it is funny and in all reality is too young to get it. The praise seems to be working, as he would do anything for attention! Let see, what has he done since I last talked to you...well...he has eaten noodles, and rice, and is really good with the Cheerios now. He is signing "dog" all of the time, and is quite proud of himself! He is pulling up, cruising then whining to have help getting down, as we have had too many bumps on the head already. It is about half and half, when I'm not around he sits down, when I am in the room he whines (I think for my attention). Hunter has adapted his own sign for his bottle, Grandma thinks it is funny, he opens and shuts his mouth like a fish, it is pretty cute! Hunter has two exciting days coming up with his best friend Paige! Tomorrow Amy will watch Hunter, then friday I will watch Paige, it is going to be so cute seeing them on the move together! Speaking of on the move....Hunter had a first yesterday....I made his dinner, and was headed to get him when he spotted me and took off crawling down the hallway, I would say "I'm going to get you" and he was laughing and trying to go faster, so it was his first get away!!! His poor little knees :) Hope you are having a great week, and we will talk to you tomorrow!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hunter is getting pretty sure of his new abilities! He learned to pick up things while standing today, and he sometimes will let go and actually balance for a few seconds before either falling or grabbing back on!

Hunter had fun today with Great Grandpa and Grandma, I'm pretty sure he kept them on their toes while he got into everything! He entertained them, I'm sure. They bought Hunter a ball, which he absolutely loves, it is as big as he is, which makes it easy for him to push around :) Then Hunter and I introduced them to a new restaurant....Jimmy John's I think it was a hit! Thanks again, we had fun!!! Then it was home to make our first family dinner. Tonight was the first night that I made one thing that we all ate, we had homemade chicken nuggets, and oven fries. Hunter also tried his first bit of whole wheat pasta, he loved it! Well to be honest, he loves anything he can put in his mouth! Hunter is also signing "dog" all the time now, he sits at our french doors looking out at Magnum & Remington, they come over and put their noses to the glass, and Hunter touches them, then I say where are the dogs, or Hunter was is that, and he taps his right leg with his right hand, the ASL sign for "dog". It is exciting to see my hard work, working, but I was hoping for the signs that will help me communicate with him, like thirsty, potty, hurt, you get the picture....not dog. I guess beggers can't be choosers! Well, here comes the storm, I better turn in for the night before we lose power. Amy & baby Paige are back safely! Thank you for your prayers and check out their blog for new pictures from their trip! Take care!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Why am I not going anywhere?

Boy, is Hunter ever getting around, you couldn't get him to stay put if you had to! Another day of fun in the sun, Hunter enjoyed the pool a little more today, but still didn't quite know what to think about it. The pool at the hotel on Mother's Day that he enjoyed was like a bath, and even though the water is 80 degrees, when the air is 95 it feels really cold! So, we will keep easing him in and pretty soon he will be a little fish! Today we were the cute camouflage family, we were all trendily camo'd, not rednecked camo'd. I am always poking fun at Dave's hillbilly side, that he refers to as redneck I'm not sure one is better than the other, but he seems to think so. Which brings me to a funny bit of reminiscence from my childhood....I discovered today with the help of my parents might be a redneck if as a child you thought water barrels were a swimming pool and that they were so much fun! I should remind my sister of this because I am pretty sure she has forgotten her redneck roots :) or is still trying to forget! Well, we hope you had a nice weekend and stayed cool! Talk to you tomorrow!

Looking sleepy in my turtle raft on a really hot day yesterday.
Getting sleepier.... Almost Sleeping...
Passed Out!

Yesterday was exhausting for Hunter as you can tell. The weather was so hot, and mom is paranoid of the sun now, and it just didn't turn out to be the splish splashing experience we were hoping for! It was fun nevertheless. Sorry I didn't post last night, but I was Scrapbooking, I am frantically trying to start and finish Hunter's first album before his birthday, I was going to keep it up while he was growing up, well that went out the window the first week :) So today our plans are to take it easy, and perhaps a trip back out to Grandpa & Grandma's for the pool may be in order, we will see. Have a wonderful and relaxing day!

Friday, July 14, 2006

My little fella!!!

This photo was actually an accident during our special photo shoot today, but I think it might be my favorite picture ever! Well, I think my photo shoots may be over for awhile, Hunter thinks it is funny to crawl away :( Before, I could set him down anywhere, or in anything and he went along with it, those days are gone! Hunter had a great day today, he tried Cheerios which were a squealing success! He enjoys puppet shows performed on the couch back, and the giant exercise ball! He also had cauliflower florets with us for dinner, and they were a big hit! I wish I was so excited about them! We certainly hope that you have a wonderful weekend, we are planning on it! We are also thinking of our good friends Amy and baby Paige, as well as the rest of their family as they return from Australia this weekend, we are praying for a safe and easy return! Sometimes I don't like to take Hunter to the grocery store, let alone a 25 hour flight :) Please pray with us! Take care and watch the sun this weekend, Heaven knows I will be :)

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bye Bye Papa & Grandma I had a fun day!!!

Hunter had tons of fun with Papa & Grandma Smith today while mom was working! They played peek-a-boo, Hunter showed them how well he stands up and cruises on the furniture, he showed them how to sign "dog" and Papa had fun crawling around with him, thanks for giving Hunter such a fun day! Grandma even got to see how messy Hunter gets when he gets a teething biscuit :) Then it was home to have dinner, watch his signing show, and get ready for bed. Short but Sweet. Tomorrow, Hunter and mom are working on a special photography project thanks to our good friend Wendy, we will keep you posted! Happy Friday!

Mom...Hunter says...only one more day!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Git R Done!!!

What a classic moment, Dad and Hunter watching Dad's idol (former Halloween costume) Larry the Cable Guy! I think an intervention is needed!!! Well, another quiet day, Hunter's second tooth must have popped through during the night, it looks so funny next to the other one that is all the way up. We are so fortunate to have a good teether, I suppose I should knock on wood, I hear of people that are up all night, and so far he is a little fussy then one day just wakes up and there it is! Thank God, I love my new found sleep! Well, nothing profound, funny or exciting to tell you so I will call it a night! Talk to you tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Grandma, I want to follow in your footsteps....I have my "future chef" apron, from Miss Marianne & Miss Michelle!
Let me show you where I keep my baking equipment.
Grandma, don't leave we have cooking to do!

Hello all, hope you had a great day! Hunter and Grandma did, they played and baked, and even shared an apple! I on the other hand had a rough day, I need to share my calamity. I told you about the sunburn, but I have to tell you it is really bad and really painful! I should have not left the house today, but I don't think you can call in sick for a sunburn. But, I should have because I am all blistered and still lobster colored...then I remembered that I had burn cream left over from Hunter's bottom when he had the flu, so I slathered it on, then I talked to my good friend Kathy, who provided me with more (thanks Kathy), and we all decided I should wear a long sleeve shirt to protect the burn. So, grandma helped me get dressed and do my hair, pretty sad, then I went to work. That is when the embarrassment started! The blisters popped, and that along with the cream made my shirt wet and gross, so everyone was staring at my shirt which made me go into this long explanation, and then I went to show someone and I realized my arms were gray :( So, needless to say I have some problems! I think some people may have mistaked me for a patient!

On a subject you all enjoy...what is Hunter doing now? Grandma got to witness Hunter's new behaviors first the cruising (which made her just as sad as it did us) then the new (horrible) behavior....the temper tantrum! Hunter has learned, which we are putting a quick stop to, that if he screams he gets what he wants....not anymore! It is not very cute at all, little stinker! I didn't realize they got smart this quick, that must be how people go wrong because they think they can't possibly know this young, well let me tell you...Hunter knows, and mom has officially learned her lesson! Sweet Dreams!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Let me out!!!!

Well we hope you got a good start to your week! We were a little under the weather here today. It must be the teething, Hunter has another tooth right next to the first that is ready to pop through, it must be giving him some trouble. He was quiet but whiney today, he even enjoyed his teethers which never happens. Maybe we will see a little white in the morning! As you can see from the picture we have baby proofed some of the house, I actually rearranged the furniture today to cut down on the falls, hopefully Hunter's head will thank me! Hunter had fun with Grandpa & Grandma before bed, as they stay the night so Grandma can watch Hunter while mom gets paid to work :) We hope your work week goes smoothly, before you know it you will be reading the blog and it will be the weekend!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Sleeping like a baby! Hunter likes to relax and put his feet up!

Well, we hope you had a wonderful weekend! We sure did! It was up and walking early today to beat the thunderstorms (which never came :-( ) It was a very hot day and I can prove it by my lobster colored skin, now normally I would blame myself, but I applied sunscreen on both myself and Hunter three times, Hunter is not burnt but I am, as well as Grandpa. So, whomever said baby's have sensitive skin has apparently not met our family! Maybe this means that although Hunter is pale like me, maybe he actually has his Dad's skin, which would be wonderful to save him painful times like I am currently experiencing! Anyway, enough of that drama, Hunter enjoyed a 12 mile walk today then home to get a bath and go shopping with mom and dad. We are in the market for a jogging stroller. Then it was on to dinner, where Dad, Mom and Hunter dined together for the first time at a restaurant! Dad and Hunter learned to sign "restaurant" and Dad got to witness all of Hunter's fans! Looking back it seems like we didn't do much, but our feet say otherwise! We pray that this finds you all healthy and happy! Talk to you tomorrow!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I am up and exploring!
This new freedom is very exciting!
Mom says, this could be why I fall, I let go and shut my eyes :(

Hello, today was actually the first day that Hunter didn't fall! I just can't get over how sturdy he is, you can tell by the last picture that he has pretty good balance, I thought that came later? Well, another busy but fun day! Hunter possibly attempted to say his first word! He looked right at me and either said Mama or Ba Ba then he smiled and laughed! It was adorable and a different tone than his normal babbling, I tried to get him to do it again but he wouldn't, and he didn't make any more sounds in that tone, so it might have just been a fluke. Then, I made a new lunch today, and I even tried it...lentil stew. Hunter liked it, and well you might have guessed...I didn't! Dad treated mom to an oil change, and a car wash & wax! Funny how excited you get about things like this after 5 years of marriage, I can't wait to see what I get excited about at 10 :) It was kind of cute, I took him out a drink and he had oil all over his head (his bald head) he didn't even know it was there, I think some men do oil or wax their bald heads? Then it was off to meet Grandpa & Grandma in Rochester for another big walk. Hunter didn't do so well, he was tired and the ride was bumpy and buggy, so it was 7 miles, our training schedule says 10 tomorrow so that is our plan. Hope your Sunday is a lot more relaxing than ours will be!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Please forgive us for not blogging....we've been walking!
We are posting multiple pictures to make you happy! This is my first bath in the real tub, I'm pretty happy!
We knew a picture of my tooth would be a good peace offering!!!

Hello everyone, we hope you had a great week! We are sorry that we left you stranded for a day, we even got some phone calls to make sure everything was alright, we appreciate your faithful viewing!!! Yes, everything is fine, I just got worried that the walk is a month away and I am not ready. So, yesterday after Hunter had a fun day with Grandpa and Grandma Smith, we decided to walk to the mall and meet Wendy. It was a nice 3 1/2 mile trip, lots of fun shopping and having dinner then Wendy decided to walk home with us. Here I have on these fancy running shoes (that still hurt my feet) and she buys a pair of flip-flops, and has less problems, go figure! So yesterday a 7 mile walk, we were pooped, I brought Hunter home at 10 pm. Then today it was a busy morning finishing our chores so we could go out again. Then it was off to Metro Beach, we parked down the road walked there, around, and back. Today a 9 mile walk. Who knew Metro Beach was so nice, it is my new favorite place!

Hunter had a first this morning...CRUISING! I was sitting on the couch watching him play, when he crawled over, stood up against the couch and cruised all the way down to where I was sitting! Little problem though, when he got there he thought he could just let go :-( He was fine, and I was excited for yet another milestone! We have a busy weekend planned, but we are hoping to get in some rest and relaxation, we hope the same for you too!!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My first 4th of July tractor pull! Check out my tractor slideshow!

Hello everyone, sorry for not blogging last night, but I was beat! We had a fun day, and we hope you did too! It was up early and on our way to Mt. Pleasant, we arrived and had a wonderful BBQ for Great Grandpa's birthday, then it was on to the annual garden tractor pull. Hunter sat and stood on all of the tractor's himself, I was having a fit because he is so unsteady, but he held on and tried to steer. When you would pull him off he would flail his legs, he wanted to stay on. My Grandpa gave me a picture of me on the tractor's when I was about 2 years old. I was beginning to think Hunter looked like Dave, but when I saw this picture there is no doubt that he resembles me. We had a great time relaxing and catching up with family. Then it was time to head home, as we were worried about the traffic. Someone was looking over me, because we didn't hit even the slightest bit of traffic, which was nice because it put us home in time to stop at Dave's family 4th party. A perfect ending to a perfect day! Hunter even got to jump on the trampoline(sp) with his cousin Ally, and meet a lot of family he hadn't met yet. What a day! Today was quiet as we were recovering!!! Hope you are all well, and that the rest of your week is short and sweet!!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!!!!
From "Mommy's little firecracker" Hunter got this shirt from our friends Amy and baby Paige, who we hope are having a great vacation! We hope you are having a great holiday weekend!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

This is a flashback to yesterday at Grandpa & Grandma's house, Hunter is getting really good at pulling himself up! Grandma caught it in succession, must have been right after a bath.
Step 1: Thinking about it real hard.
Step 2: Foot up, lean forward, and make a funny face.
Step 3: Concentrate real hard so you don't fall!!!

We had a busy day of doing nothing, I never sat down, but I don't think I accomplished a thing :( I do have to thank huntress cousin Joey for giving him his Wiggles Guitar, Hunter loves it, he sits and beats on all of the buttons that play various sounds and songs....Mom doesn't as today she found herself with a headache, and feeding Hunter fruit salad, and while feeding him Mom began singing ....Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, Yummy Fruit Salad, Fruit Salad, Yummy, Yummy. (for those of you who don't know what I am talking about, the Wiggles sing music about potatoes, fruit salad, captain feathersword, you get the picture) Hunter thought it was the best meal ever, Mom has hidden the guitar on the bottom of the toy box :)

Happy 4th of July everyone, as we will not be posting in the morning, we are heading to Mt. Pleasant bright and early. The 4th is Hunter's Great Grandpa Gruss' Birthday and the entire family gets together to celebrate, and tractor pull. Hunter couldn't go to sleep tonight, because he is debating about his, white & & yellow.......decisions...decisions! Anyway we are bound to have a great day and we hope you do as well!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Before becoming parents, people told us..."you'll do fine if you just stay on the same page in your discipline" Well we officially left the same page today, in this adorable yet bizarre way to teeth. I say, Hunter No pinching, No pulling hair, No grabbing glasses (you get the picture) Dad says, sure bite my nose, no big deal. I am sure the time is not too far around the corner where someone says, can I hold him? only to be honored with a dive towards their nose! Dad will have to explain that one!

Hunter had a great day today! Grandpa & Grandma watched him and Hunter even helped with the chores, he and Grandpa mowed the lawn. Hunter made his next step thanks to the one and only...John Deere Gator. He pulls himself to standing in the crib, but today he pulled himself to standing on the Gator! Over and over, he made Grandma sit him down as he didn't know what to do once he was standing up. Hunter and Mom and Dad say thanks Grandpa & Grandma!

Then it was off to our cousins Ken & Cindy's for a family get together. It was a lot of fun, and Hunter got spoiled with all of the attention! He and his cousin Joey even raced on the floor! That was the close of our weekend, busy but fun! We hope you had a nice weekend! Talk to you soon!

Oh, Great Grandpa....I took the 3000th picture of Hunter today! That is just since Christmas, who knows how many I took in his first three months :-)

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Hunter helping his new friend Emily drive. I guess that male urge doesn't take long to develop! Emily is an older woman, by five days :)
Hunter loved all of Emily's toys, her car and especially her swing!

It was a fun day today, beautiful weather for a BBQ. We went way up North where friends of Dave's live, it was a lot of fun to meet some new people and a new playmate for Hunter! Grandpa and Grandma are watching Hunter for the night, so Mom and Dad can get some housework and babyproofing done, with Hunter around I can no longer accomplish anything :( So, we hope you are having a wonderful safe weekend!