Friday, May 30, 2008

Take a Memorial Day Camping trip with us.....

A beautiful sunset viewed from the car going up north, Hunter loved all of the colors!

I had hoped on the long trip up at night that Hunter would sleep, four hours later this is how he looked! Little Stinker!


games....(Putt Putt & Croquet turned into Hockey with my friend Keri's brother, Mark!)

and...more games!!! A little Tball!

New friends! This is Keri's niece Emily.

Hunter joins Emily for his first time in a boat!!!

It's a water skiing worm!!!

He thought it was so funny!!!! Fishing was fun even though we didn't catch a thing.

How many people can you fit in a play tent???? Two kids and a Miss Keri!!!
After this the kids got ready for bed, and during the night Hunter got really sick, so this was the end of the fun camping trip and we returned early. Hunter has been sick all week it started with the flu, went to a sinus infection and pink eye to now an allergic reaction to the medication. This poor child is always sick! He was sick less times than last year but still, the Dr. is sending him to an allergist so we should have blue skies ahead! Have a great weekend!

Monday, May 12, 2008

We thought Hunter loved the tractors last year, well this year he's obsessed!

Papa teaching a cool new way to ride!

Getting a little stand by assistance....

He was really excited to get to drive by himself! I on the other hand am realizing this summer is the beginning of the worries for me!!!!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

After Easter Hunter was upset that the holidays were over for awhile, he kept asking what was next, so finally I said "Springtime"! So, ever since we have been celebrating Spring and all the beauty, this day we went for a walk to identify signs of Spring!

Hunter loves the squirrels....

Perennials popping up....

....and budding trees! Hunter is such a gift! He is impressed by things I have always taken for granted. This is the first year I have realized the beauty and amazement of Spring! It has been absolutely beautiful out, even the rain is wonderful because it brings more life, blooms, and color! Hope you are enjoying it as much as we are!