Tuesday, July 31, 2007

This is my replacement for Hunter wanting to drive the outdoor cars in the 90 degree heat. We made a truck and he is driving with.....you guessed it....Jenna!

I don't think you can take a nap in there Hunter.

Oh, to be the age where a cardboard box with some drawing on it is entertaining!!! The only thing new and exciting here is Hunter going potty on the real toilet! I decided after much thought that having a separate potty wasn't a good idea for us, we go out a lot and over to people's homes a lot and I didn't want his progress to be halted by the routine of his own potty chair. So, today marked the first official Hunter telling me he had to go and him going on the real toilet! This also marked the first time where he really understood what he did and was proud, the other times he would look at me like I was crazy when I clapped and cheered, today he got right into it! Some of you who have been in my car lately will appreciate this, that someday I will stop at the storage to drop off the potty, I have been riding around with it in the back seat and when you turn the corner it says WEEEEEE, kind of embarrassing when there are work friends in the car! I hope that this finds you well, have a great week!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hunter one by one took his pillow, then dog, then blanket out to the front room, I couldn't figure out why, then when I saw this I had to grab the camera. He sure loves the animals!

Hunter had a fun weekend with Daddy, on Saturday I had a fundraiser for this years Breast Cancer Walk, so they played in the morning then went to Uncle Scott's Birthday Party, I heard they had a great time. We had a lot of plans for yesterday, but they were halted by me being under the weather. Believe it or not, we actually have a nice slow week ahead of us, for that I am so grateful! Hope your week will treat you well, talk to you soon!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Ice cold milk....

...and an oreo cookie!

Hello everyone, I wish I would have had my camera today, Hunter had so much fun!!! Today at one of the nursing homes I go to for work, they were having dog day. They had a canine cop in the morning, hot dogs for lunch, and a dog show in the afternoon. They were encouraging people to bring in their dogs and people to watch, well, I have been wanting to take Hunter to the nursing home forever now but he was always sick or something was going around there, but now was a perfect time. He had a blast, he got to visit with a lot of the residents, I thought he may be a little reserved but he enjoyed the attention and all of the high fives and of course all of the wheels!!! We have moved up in the world because he no longer thinks a wheel chair is a bike! He even let one of the residents hold him, danced with another lady, and shared his popcorn! Of course the dog show was the high light, they had an obstacle course, a costume contest and a parade! Hunter got the biggest prize, the little dogs were running through a bus (a kid's pop up toy) well, Hunter had a fit wanting to get down and drive it, apparently it has been sitting around taking up space, so we got to take it home with us, Hunter was thrilled! Finally, for my favorite.....most of the nursing homes have large bird cages, well, it never occurred to me that Hunter hasn't really seen birds in cages before, well when he was little but not now that he is learning so much. He had a fit that the birds were in a cage he wanted them out, to fly in the sky! It was so cute! The other thing that I am so impressed with is our daycare situation, Hunter is learning his numbers and ABC's, everyday he seems to learn more so far he is doing, ABCDE TUV W Z and sing with me, I think that is pretty good before your two! His numbers are funny because if you say 1 2 he will say 3 then you say a few more and he will pop out with the next number up to 10 most of the time correctly, I can't believe it. I sing the ABC's with him, and count with him, but obviously daycare is working with him, just had to keep you updated! Hope all is well with you, and we will talk to you soon!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

My first ball game, it doesn't get better than Tigers baseball!!!

What would the ballpark be without a dog??? I can't believe I didn't buy him a Tigers bib for this picture!

Hunter wanted to get down and join in!

Giving love to Daddy

Have to pose with the new souvenirs!

Not even in the car for 5 minutes and.....HE'S OUT! He had a great time at the game he loved the balls and helmets, and as you can see he even got one of his own to take home. He really likes the "Take me out to the ball game" song and for not even 2 this child has a pretty good throw, maybe we have a future baseball player on our hands.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's official and we have the sign (or "flag" as Hunter calls it) to prove it!!! Our house is up for sale, finally all of the hard work starting to be behind us! Please pray for us that the house sells ASAP so we can move forward!

Hunter was very whiney today, here he is giving me a little "cheese"! We met my friends Marianne and Michelle for dinner and Hunter got to play on the caboose for a few minutes, he was a good boy at dinner and entertained the ladies with his songs, "moon moon" and "victor freddie" boy does he have good taste in music! Thanks ladies for dinner it was so good to see you and fun to get out! Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa's for a little visiting and tractor pulling! He begs for it!

Walking in Grandma's shoes and actually doing pretty well!

Hunter says..."Outside, drive tractors" We say....Tractors are broken. Hunter says "Why?" Actually he asked Why? approximately 20 times today, sometimes he settles for the answer saying "oh" other times continuing with Why? it is so cute, I just didn't know that started so early, it is very funny! Hope you are having a great weekend, take care!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our evening began with a picnic in the park, here Hunter is begging for more snacks after he refused to eat his sandwich, then it was kids night at Music in the Park followed by a dog show, as you can imagine for Hunter there is nothing better than a night filled with food music and dogs!!!

Hunter's favorite pose....taking in all of the music, with titles like "My Dog has Bad Breath" and "Stinky Feet" it does take some pondering! Needless to say we didn't buy the CD

Dancing now includes bopping and jumping!

The night was complete with flying frisbee dogs!

.....and a sucker!!!! or is that us!!! This almost 2 year old has us wrapped around his finger! Or so he thinks!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Hunter has been having a lot of fun as we have been packing, organizing and rearranging in preparation for our house to go on the market, here is an example of the fun he can find just about anywhere....

Mom....do you think I can fit in this basket???

I'm almost there....

I did it!!! The last time I was in a basket was my first Easter, when Miss Amy and Mom had a photo shoot with Paige and I. (You may have noticed there are no photo shoots anymore, they ended when they learned to run away!) Let's see he was 7 months old then, and now he's 22 months, just a little size difference!
Thanks Pampa and Gigi for watching me this morning so mom could go to her meeting, I had so much fun!!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hunter got this back pack a long time ago at Cabela's, recently he has been asking "back pack" over and over, I think some of the kids at daycare have them, so today he put his milk in his back pack and he was off to see Grandma and Grandpa.

He was acting so silly with it on, pulling up his shoulders, hard to believe he is getting so big!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Hunter's first Oreo cookie....

What a mess!!!! A cute one though!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hi everyone, hope all is well! I forgot that I didn't get to post this, last Monday we went to Shield's for Pizza and Thomas with our friends Miss Tricia and Andrew. Hunter loves hanging out with Andrew they have so much fun together. This was the first time Grandma got to see Hunter interact with one of his friends, they are just too cute, we could barely pry them away from one another, here are a few snapshots of the fun!

Gigi this one's for you.........."Please take the ticket"

I must have taken this picture twenty times, the boys were so excited they couldn't sit still or keep from being distracted.

Cruising on the little Thomas was fun, now we can't wait until the big Day Out with Thomas in August!!!

Ok, I must explain that I have never let Hunter run around a restaurant before, but it was kids night and there wasn't anyone there, so he let loose (OK maybe I let loose, ha ha)

The boys love to Dance, I'm not sure where they get their moves.

....time to rest!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Hunter at the SuperMoto, he loved the "wheelies" and "high jumps"

Hunter and Kendall in their Dirt Bike Hats, how cute is that!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

My girlfriend Wendy flew in to stay with me for a few days and if there is one thing that she is really good at it's finding fun!

What could be better than a getaway to Caseville in a Convertible!

At one point Hunter kept saying "broken, broken" we were wondering what he was talking about, finally we realized he thought the roof was broken, ha ha!

To Hunter Cruising = Sleeping

Hunter's not the only one who likes to dance!!!


Another FIRST for Hunter....Corn on the Cob, Yummy!

Always fun...

....being silly!

"Fall down, Fall down"

Hugs for Lauren

Hugs for Kendall

Mr. Johnson making us a fire for a special bedtime snack


"More Mellow, More Mellow"

That's a wrap folks!!! As you can see we were able to get away for some rest and relaxation, Hunter had a great time with the girls and I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful friend to fly in to spend the weekend with me, Wendy you're the best and I'm going to miss you!!!!