Tuesday, June 24, 2008

An array of photos from here and there.......

A great big "Thank You" to Paige!!! She sent Hunter some cool stickers! He was so excited he wouldn't look up at the camera :)

Ready to go to Dad's for Father's Day and proudly showing off the gift he picked out all by himself! He got him a "hockey guy" then kept asking me if I thought Dad would share with him :)

A new love....mirrors! A fun shopping trip with Mom, Grandma, Gigi and Aunt Mimi proved that Hunter may need some more male bonding time, he kept saying..."this one is cute" as he picked up the shoes! Not to mention at dinner that night he said...putting on his shoe "mother it fits" which is from Cinderella. Then this weekend he was playing dress up, he put on his top hat and began singing "one day my prince will come" also from Cinderella! I'm hoping this stage passes quickly!

Bowling Worked!!! Taking Hunter bowling last week along with this cool bowling set from Grandma did the trick! Hunter has been sleeping through the night during the storms now!!! He even made it through the Fire Works! Have a great week!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hunter attended his first Dance Recital yesterday starring......

...his cousin Ally!!!! She was really good, she danced in two numbers a ballet and a lyrical! We were very proud and impressed! Hunter was well behaved which made it all the more enjoyable for Dave and I!!! Hope that you had a great weekend too! Have a great week and I will try to post again soon.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Need a mid-week PICK ME UP????

Come with us to Big Truck Night!!!

Dave and I took Hunter a few weeks ago, he had fun last year but he LOVED it this year!!!!

Hunter's favorite!!!

Getting bigger but not quite big enough!

Patiently waiting, it was a proud parent moment as children were crying, cutting and carrying on :)

Worth the wait!

Want a Lift?

Want to go for a ride???

.....On the city bus....

See you later alligator!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Last weekend I told Hunter we would get out his pool, on Friday night when I went looking for it I realized we left it at Grandpa and Grandma's last year. So, we drove out in thoughts of getting it and returning....well....we had so much fun we stayed all weekend!!! Which meant Hunter didn't have a swimsuit!

He could have cared less!

He thought he was pretty cool on his new Cars Trike complete with Cars undies!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I realized after telling Hunter that God and the Angels are bowling, that he didn't know what bowling was.....

So, now that I am back to my part time schedule....we went bowling today!!!! My thought was that when we get our next storm he will remember how much fun and how loud bowling was and not be scared, we'll see if it works.

"Wanna share with me?", he said as he held up his ball. This is his new favorite saying, last weekend he was sharing popsicles, and Nemo snacks with Grandma and Gigi!

"Score" he would yell as he danced around.

It was right after this that his excitement escalated.....which landed him flat on his back on the alley :o( A kiss and he was back in business! Pretty sad that even with the bumpers in I only scored an 84! Well, I guess that is not a career I should pursue :)

Monday, June 09, 2008

Hunter got a big treat from Grandma and Gigi today after his trip to the Allergist. He was so excited! They brought him balloons, a fish cookie and this giraffe cookie. So, Hunter had a rough day today but they cheered him up! He was at the allergist for several hours doing testing. He was really good despite the discomfort. We have to go for more tests so we don't know anything yet, but hopefully we are headed in the right direction and Hunter won't spend his time as sick as he has been the past few years, or overly medicated. I was going to do a blog catch up but have to run, Hunter just started the other day being terrified of the storms, we have had such bad weather, the thunder and lightening really frighten him. We tried the God and the angels bowling, today he even added that Pampa is bowling with them, but it doesn't bring him any comfort, tonight I tried night lights but that didn't work either, if any one has anything that worked for their kids, please call me! Hope all is well with everyone!