Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Mardi Gras!!! Posted by Picasa
I apologize for missing a day posting. Things have not been good, but we pray they are looking up. Hunter was worse when I took him back to the Doctor. He is now on steroids with the other medications and the breathing treatments. The steroid has helped him eat and keep his food down, so hopefully it will break up all of his congestion.

It's funny how things in life change, a few years ago my day never would have been made by what I am going to share with you, but not only did it make my day, Hunter and I laughed together for several minutes. The first laugh he has had in awhile. Hunter was lying on his blanket and I was doing his leg exercises, pulling his feet up to his face, when he let out some gas...when he did he giggled like he knew what he did. I started laughing because his little face was so cute, and the harder I laughed the more he laughed. Boy, has life changed when you laugh at the passing of gas. Or, am I officially the mother of a son?

We send special thoughts and prayers tonight for family who have not been feeling well. Grandma Smith, Aunt Karen, Grandpa and Grandma we want you to get well soon!!!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm head over heals for you Grandpa! Check out my John Deere slideshow for your birthday. Posted by Picasa
Happy Birthday Grandpa !!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

It may look like he is leaning forward, but take a closer look at the next picture... Posted by Picasa

I have officially lost the mother of the year competition. 1.Who lets their baby fall asleep in the exer-saucer? 2.Who gets their camera before laying the baby down?  Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 24, 2006

Check out the slideshow. A special ducky photo shoot for Great Grandma on her birthday! I am starting to feel better! Posted by Picasa
Happy Birthday Great Grandma!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Our poor little guy. Posted by Picasa

Aren't we adorable??? Posted by Picasa
What a day.

It started out great, I thought Hunter was feeling better...but that is not the case. Miss Amy took excellent care of Hunter today, and baby Paige helped! This is so funny, Amy called to tell me that Paige tried to put Hunter's feet in her mouth, at this age they would put anything in their mouths, how cute! Hunter did good he was smiling and seeming better except he was barely eating. I decided to take him back to the Dr. thinking his ear infection was worse. Well, boy was I surprised to find out his ears are better, he has Bronchitis, he is really wheezing and needs nebulizer treatments. I thought we were going to end up in the hospital the way the doctor was talking, as you know Hunter has been sick for five weeks now. Well the treatment at the Dr. office was horrible Hunter was worked up from all the poking and prodding, then to have a cup held over his face was not pleasant, I don't know which one of us was crying more. We have to do this treatment every four hours, and it went much better tonight. I gave Hunter a bath to relax him, then we went in his room, turned off the lights and listened to our bedtime music while rocking, by the time we did the treatment Hunter only fussed a little then feel asleep, what an angel!

Check out the new slideshow of Hunter and his girlfriend, baby Paige!!!
Beautiful Day...Great to be Alive!!!

Hunter slept 8 hours! That is the first time in over 2 weeks, I am thrilled for him but mostly for myself! This must mean he is starting to feel much better. He should have a good day with baby Paige. Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Sitting with Kimmy, and trying to feel better mom to smile for you. Posted by Picasa
Improved health coming soon...

Hope this evening finds you all doing well, it finds us much better than past evenings. Hunter is feeling a lot better, but not even close to himself. I feel jealous of our friends whose babies are doing the normal five month things... laughing, smiling, giggling, and a lot of playing. Hunter is doing those things occasionally but not like he should be. He still has crying spells, and so do I for that matter :) Before Hunter got sick (I can barely remember that time) he was the most laid back, quiet, happy baby. What a turn of events, I am just praying that improved health will bring him back to us.

Hunter had a busy morning with his Aunt Lori, Uncle Scott, and the kids (Ally 8, Kimmy almost 6, and Joey almost 5). They watch Hunter every Wednesday so I can go to work. It is too bad they are not closer in age to have a fun relationship as they grow up together.

Mom had a wonderful evening catching up with Miss Wendy, Hunter and I can't wait to see her soon!!! Dad cooked a great dinner, so overall today shaped up okay. We hope your days are treating you well!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I love snuggling with grandma! Posted by Picasa
Thank you all for your well wishes...

They must be working because we are all starting to feel better! Even Hunter is smiling and playing today, but that could be grandma's magic. Mom gets a little tense, ha ha. Today was exciting I got to see my friends from Kalamazoo, maybe we can plan a trip there soon, when the weather improves. Grandma gave Hunter bananas for the first time today, I hear he loved them! We tried to re-create the moment when I got home for the camera, it didn't go over very well. So...banana picture coming soon. Grandma laughed at Hunter today when we watched him with Hayden (the cat), Hunter watches him, and if you hold him up he tries to walk after him, I don't think Hayden is too fond of Hunter's petting, Hunter got ahold of his tail and pulled a little hair out. We might wait a little while before re-introducing them, when Hunter understands "gentle". Have a wonderful week everyone! Love, Dave, Andrea, and Hunter.

Monday, February 20, 2006

I can't wait to feel better so I can play rather than shove things in my mouth. Posted by Picasa
I'm five months old today...

Well, I had hoped I would have better news to report, but it has been a rough day, and a really rough night last night. Poor Hunter... he screamed all night and most of the day. We don't know what is wrong with him. He had diarrhea, which could be from the medication or the teething. He has that ear ache, maybe it's worse. Or maybe it is just teething. I wish I was a psychic, or he would start talking. It unfortunately doesn't look like tonight will be any better for Hunter, but it will for me because my parents are here, its back to work for me tomorrow. My mom gets up with Hunter the night she is here, it is the only night I get a break, so maybe tonight I will get more than two hours of sleep. I can't wait! These times are really frustrating when you just want to make them feel better, but you don't know how. Here is hoping and praying that month five is a better than month four.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Plenty of room for growth, my feet don't touch the bottom yet. Posted by Picasa

What fun, more things to put in my mouth! Posted by Picasa
We are feeling better today, and Hunter is starting to act more like himself. We thought today would be a good day to get Hunter his Valentine excer-saucer. A big thank you to grandpa, grandma, great grandpa and great grandma for getting Hunter something that he is sure to love, looks to me like he already does!!! Even with watery eyes, a runny nose, and lots of drool!

Check out my new excer-saucer....I am! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 18, 2006

When I returned to the living room from updating the blog, this is what I found. So, I grabbed the camera, and returned to the computer. I thought you would appreciate that he may look like me, but he acts like his dad! Posted by Picasa

See, I do need another haircut! Posted by Picasa
Hello everyone, I had hoped to report a full recovery after a day of medicine, but unfortunately things aren't great yet. Hunter has been quite a stinker, but it could be his teeth, poor guy. Hunter told me to tell Grandma that he is about ready for another haircut!

I have to report something shameful that happened today. I looked over as Dad was holding Hunter to view him doing something incredibly tacky, he lifted Hunter in the air, and sniffed his diaper. After all, it is a long way to Hunter's room from the living room, to physically check the diaper. Well, I guess it is better than being in public.

I forgot to inform you of some special correspondence that Hunter received in the mail this week, from President and Laura Bush, welcoming Hunter into the world. Hunter also laughed at Magnum and Remington (our black labs) as they were coming in the house, normally he just stares. I have been teaching Hunter sign language, and he learned cat and dog this week. Well, that is all that is new here, keep leaving your comments. We love to get them, and we can't wait to get back into the world to see all of you.

Friday, February 17, 2006

We're home...with drugs.

Hunter has an ear infection and the cold that is cirrculating, with a bad cough. So, the Doctor prescribed an antibiotic and a decongestant, which I forgot to remind Dad he is sensitive to. We just gave him his first dose and we are going to hold the next dose as his sensitivity is inability to sleep :( We should all be on the mend soon, thank you for your thoughts and calls.

So, Miss Amy came to the rescue with blue tennis in the next size :) Posted by Picasa

We are getting ready for the Dr. and it's very sad, we have to retire my favorite shoes :( Posted by Picasa

Grandma helped me on Valentine's Day, make a jello pie for mom! Posted by Picasa
An outing today...

to the Doctors office. Hunter is going in and so am I, it's time for some antibiotics. Hunter had a 102 fever last night, had trouble breathing and many other problems, this is now going on a fourth week of being sick, so Dave is taking him to the Pediatricien while I go see our Dr. and hopefully get antibiotics for both of us. I will keep you posted.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I love photo shoots! Posted by Picasa
In honor of the birthday girl, Amy, aka Aunt Mimi, my sister...

We have a new slideshow, check it out. I have learned a valuable lesson today. When the model, and the photographer are sick the photo shoots do not go so well, but we couldn't let the birthday girl down. Aunt Mimi gave Hunter this Mickey for Christmas, he loves it, you can tell by his crusty nose. It is unbelievable how much Hunter has grown, he couldn't keep the Mickey Ears on at Christmastime.

Amy, we love you and miss you, we wish you the best in California, but would love to have you back.

Happy 25th Birthday!

Happy Birthday Amy!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Our sleeping beauty. Posted by Picasa
It's official, we are all going to be sick together. Now, that's a scrapbooking moment. Hunter and Dad are sleeping and I am not far behind them. Hunter sounds terrible tonight, he is so congested he is breathing out his mouth, which makes him officially his Dad's son, a SNORER :( We are not feeling much better than him.

We hope you are all well, and you are beating the cold/flu that is circulating, and re-circulating in our case.

I asked Hunter if he knows what tomorrow is????

My nose and eyes are running, I'm coughing, and I can't breathe, and you want me to smile? Posted by Picasa
We are aired out and re-lysoled!

I am waiting for Hunter to return to us, as I have been sick with the flu. That being said, I have a lot of thank you's.

Hunter and mom want to thank grandma and grandpa for the very special first valentine's day, I understand Hunter helped stir a jello pie for mom, and made me a card. Hunter is also very excited for his Valentine excer-saucer that will be coming soon, when mom feels better to get out to the store, from his grandma, grandpa, and great grandma and grandpa. Thank you so much, he is going to love it!

Hunter and mom want to send a thank you to grandma Smith and papa, for the valentine and also for their first overnight and day trip, with Hunter while mom has been pitiful :( Thank you for taking good care of him!

Thank you to my friends Amy and Kathy, for being supportive and listening to me whine!

We love all of you, and thank you for your constant support! We love that you all check out Hunter's site, and that you leave comments!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Hunter is feeling better tonight, he is still not 100%. He had a good day filled with fun! He was excited to get a Valentine from Miss Marianne and Miss Michele, thank you! Grandpa sent him a comment which he thought was wonderful! He played a lot, he really loves the excer-saucer, his legs are strong we are just trying to get his arms caught up. Dad is still sick, and it seems that Mom may be getting a sore throat, I don't know how because the house got lysoled today. Grandpa and Grandma are hear for the night, Grandma watches Hunter on Tuesday so Mom can go to work. Grandma and Mom make food for the week which has been working out well, we share and get a variety, then nothing goes to waste.

We sure hope that everyone has a wonderful Valentine's Day, this year I have the love of my life!!!

Mom, I am trying to play. Posted by Picasa

What are you doing? Posted by Picasa