Friday, September 29, 2006

I can WALK!!!
I'm on the move......
Here I go.......

Hello everyone, these pictures were taken the day Hunter really started to take off, it is amazing because now a few days later he doesn't look anything like this, he is everywhere! Sorry we have not posted in a few days, things have been kind of hectic. Hunter got another tooth, and had been running a low grade temp, so of course I thought it was the teething, but when this continued and then he started choking on his water, followed by refusing the nighttime bottle (he is weaned off the other two) and then being up all night crying I knew it was something else. So, yesterday we went to the doctor only to find out Hunter has Hand Foot Mouth Disease......Again. The strangest part is that no one at his day care has it, but they probably will all get it now :( So, I worked last night instead of during the day, my work has been wonderful and accommodating to all of the illnesses Hunter has been blessed with. Normally, I post at night but was just too tired, sorry. So, I am back on track Hunter and I both having had a good night sleep! Dad and Grandpa are gone Duck Hunting for the weekend, Hunter signs "duck" now :) so Grandma, Hunter and I are going to have a weekend full of rest and relaxation! We hope you do the same!!!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I love you daddy, even though it looks like I'm flipping you off.
Thank you Grandma & Grandpa for this cool wagon, who knew I was big enough to enjoy it already! I see a trip to the zoo in our future!

First of all, Dave and Hunter look adorable in their coordinating choppers shirts! Boy do they look a lot a like in that picture :) Great Grandma calls him "little Dave" :) I made Lasagna (sp) for the first time, it actually turned out pretty good! I really do have a Martha complex :) Then we took a stroll to the corner in Hunter's wagon, what a beautiful night! Hunter's tooth popped through but he still doesn't seem to be feeling himself, wait until you see him walk, it is so cute and I swear it is amazing how one day he is walking and the next day he is practically running, he greeted Dad at the door on his birthday, how great is that! As much as I didn't want him to walk I am sure enjoying it! He even knows to stick out his bottom to fall, I was worried he would go face first, but so far so good! Well, that's it for tonight, I will keep you posted, have a great day tomorrow!

Monday, September 25, 2006

OH MY! What a day!

What a day is right, last night Hunter had a fever, which is pretty unusual for him, and even this morning it was hanging on, and the fever wasn't the only thing hanging on, so was Hunter to me for dear life. Boy oh boy, I couldn't leave the room, I was getting a little frustrated thinking it was all the attention he gets at day care, when Hunter lunged for my finger, and I realized that little stinker is getting another tooth! It is almost through on the bottom and the last one just came in last week, the first four I never knew he was teething, but something is different about this one, poor little guy! I sat at the table hoping he would play while I worked on a project for my patients at work, well he didn't like that he tried to get my attention, when that didn't work he started walking all over the place, and without the magic shoes :) Over the weekend, he walked a little bit, but today something kicked in and he is getting around, he is even carrying things around while he is walking, amazing what they can accomplish in such little time, I only wish I could do the same!

Tomorrow should be a fun evening because it's Dave's birthday, he is really getting up there in age, good thing I'm such a spring chicken :) Well, have a wonderful day!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Thank you, Miss Marianne and Miss Michelle, I love my Weeble Castle! I'm kind of like a weeble now, I wobble but I don't fall down :)

We had a fun day today, I was going to post a few pictures but I'm having technical difficulties :) Dad and Grandpa went hunting, so Grandma and I went to the cider mill, lunch and shopping! I love hunting season! Hunter is getting funny about repeating what you do, the other day he started putting his hands over his mouth, he is trying to do a sign or blow a kiss one or the other, but today when he did it we said "Oh boy" and now every time you say that or "Oh my" he covers his mouth, and tonight he covers his ears when you say, "I can't believe what I'm hearing" I guess you would have to see it, its pretty cute, pictures to come I promise! Well that's it, have to run for Desperate Housewives, what a wonderful day!!! Hope you have a great week!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I love my walker, my Great Grandpa Gruss made it for me for my Birthday!
Everyday I find a new way to play with it!
It is endless fun! Thanks Great Grandpa!

Hello everyone, I hope you are enjoying your weekend! Check out the slideshow again for more pictures that our friend Amy took at the Apple Orchard, they are adorable! Nothing much to report today, except Hunter hates broccoli! If you put it in his mouth, he takes it out :) makes a face and then he laughs, point taken. Don't tell his dad but Hunter loves the sewing machine, I was working on a project and I couldn't keep him away, he must be reminiscing of the days I laid him on the dining room table and built his Halloween costume around him! The good old days... boy were things easier then! Which leads me to believe that a year from now I will be reminiscing about these days being easier, such is life! That is why we are trying to enjoy each and every day, and each and every stage! They are just flying by!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Look my new 1rst Birthday Fun slideshow, for my first trip to the Cider Mill!

First, I have to say....I love the fall weather! It is so beautiful, its cool and you can just smell the fall air! We all had a great time at the cider mill! It is so neat now that the kids notice things, and reach out, there will be more pictures coming soon, but my camera batteries died so Amy took more for me, thanks girl! Hunter started signing a new word "yes" I am very excited because I thought for sure "no" would be first as he definitely sees it more often :) Sorry that I did not post yesterday, I was catching up with some family and I've been trying to go to bed early. I will work on it I promise! So, yesterday they had a birthday party for Hunter at daycare, complete with balloons, party hats, and a gift (we are really loving it there!) Hunter is progressing slowly with the walking, and he won't do it unless he is wearing shoes, kind of silly. We were suppose to go camping this weekend, but due to the rainy stormy forecast we are staying put :( Well, we hope you have a wonderful weekend! Talk to you tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I started WALKING on my first Birthday! This is Laura, the VP at mom's work, she had never met me before boy was she fun to play with! We were at a surprise party for mom's bosses birthday today, Laura really worked with me and I started walking on my own! Mom was really excited, I guess it's better to say I walked on my birthday than a day or a week after :)
Mom and Dad's parents (my grandparents) all came over to wish me a very happy birthday!!! was good, we had carrot cake this time!

What a wonderful day! Rather bitter sweet. I am so happy that Hunter is growing and thriving, but on the other hand this year has been so wonderful that I don't want it to end. There are still wonderful times happening and more to come, but it just isn't the same. So, we obviously had a great time at the party! Hunter walking on his birthday was just so exciting, I actually couldn't believe he was doing it, and he was so tired from walking and not having a nap. He slept in the car as we went to the Apple Orchard, Hunter's first time. It was so much fun, I will post the pictures tomorrow. Then it was back to sleep for the ride home, to get ready for the grandparents to come celebrate! What a day, Hunter wasn't quite sure he was going to show off his walking skills but he eventually gave in and gave everyone a little glimpse not to the extent he did in the morning, but adorable nevertheless! Thank you everyone for tuning into the daily news about Hunter, this blog has allowed me to document all of his milestones, and all the changes we have gone through, thank you for your caring and encouragement, what a fabulous journey I am on!
Happy First Birthday Hunter!!!!

Hunter started the morning with letting mom sleep in, hurray! Then he opened tons of birthday gifts from my good friend Kathy, I love the shoes!!! Hunter has been laughing and smiling as I've been singing to him all morning, have a great day everyone, I know we will!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wanna go for a ride?

Hunter loves his new 4 wheeler that was a birthday gift from his Uncle Scott, Aunt Lori, and the kids! Of course I had to get him dressed up in his motorcycle shirt and jacket for some pictures! At first he couldn't get on and off himself, but after only 1 day he has mastered that task, of course there is the occasional spill but Dad says that is what 4 wheelers are for :) Hunter had a good day, but it was hard to leave him this morning as he said "mama" when I was leaving, boy I understand what people mean when they say things just get harder :( Tomorrow should be a fun BIRTHday and Delivery Anniversary Day, we are going to the Cider Mill it will be Hunter's first trip, so you know you can look forward to some pictures of him lying among the pumpkins! We hope you have a great day!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Hunter said his first word!!!!! Mama!

I couldn't be happier, for the past month or so Hunter would make the noises ma mama ma.... but never look at me and say it, or crawl to me and say it, you get the picture, but today it happened. Grandma heard him do it first, but I didn't quite believe her, but later I was setting the table, and he was playing on the floor with Dad when he was crawling fast toward me and said Mama, I just can't put that feeling into words, especially when I think that just one year ago today I was being induced and now I have a son who is calling me, Mama! How amazing!

Bye Bye Aunt Mimi, we miss you already! I mean who else will play on the tractor with me even when they are in a dress?

Well Aunt Mimi is back in California and the daily routine is back. We have had a wonderful weekend, Aunt Mimi flew in on Thursday and what a great time we had! We shopped and got ready for the party, she played with Hunter, it just couldn't have been better, we even thought we had maybe talked her in to coming back, but it isn't looking good. I think on prior trips it was easier for her to leave because Hunter was a baby, he didn't know who was who, now he recognizes you, interacts, and is just an all around ball of fun, what's not to love!

Aunt Mimi got to witness one of Hunter's events on Friday....the 4th tooth. We were at the Party store, when Hunter bent over put the cart in his mouth and began drooling everywhere, Amy couldn't believe what he was doing, and of course I was worried about the germs, but I knew it wouldn't be long before another tooth appeared, I am so lucky to have a great teether! Sure enough, that must have popped the tooth through because now you can see it, well only when he lets you :)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

VIP are invited down the red carpet to a star studded event!
The guests arrived to a Movie Theater Theme complete with a Marquee
Aunt Mimi and the kids enjoying some of the concession!
The Star was recognized for his success with tons of fabulous gifts!
The Cake was a film strip with highlights of the Birthday Boy's career!
All eyes were on him...
The crowd applauded, and so did the Star of honor!
The sweet taste of a year full of wonderful memories and so many more to create!
The grand finale, a bath in his birthday suit......THE END!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Climbing = Learning new things = getting into more trouble!
I was in the kitchen canning, when I realized Hunter was quiet......which means.....he is up to no good!
Sure enough, he was standing on his baby chair laughing and I went and bought a climbing proof baby gate.

Now it is a small chair but this definitely paves the way for the crib. I suppose he will be taking after his father climbing out of the crib and sleeping on the floor :) his Grandma tells us.

I had a realization today after embarking on my first endeavor of the good old days. I learned to can, I made 9 quarts of tomatoes. What I realized is that we (my generation) think that we have things so bad, so much stress, hard work, etc. Now, I do think that we do have more mental stress, work, etc. most of which we bring on ourselves with whatever our priorities may be, myself being the Biggest Culprit! However, I discovered just a piece of the past by canning. Which made me think, I am doing this for fun, because it tastes better, because you know what's in it, etc. People use to have to do this, along with wash their clothes on one of those boards, have cloth diapers and wash them by hand, have 10 children, make their clothes, make the meals, milk the cow, you get the picture. I am feeling very fortunate for technology and getting to choose my battles! That being said, canning is hard work, but it was fun too!

To close tonight, I send my thoughts and prayers to all of our troops, our cousin who is serving in Iraq, his family, and all of the families who lost their loved ones in 9/11 and all the men and women who lived but will never forget the horrific event. I send my thoughts and prayers and hope that we are all living a different life now, one of appreciation and compassion. I pray that we are safe and continue to only have 9/11 to memorialize. I pray all of these things and more on the 5th Anniversary of 9/11.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Hunter sends hugs and kisses to all of his Grandma's and Grandpa's!!!!
Happy Grandparent's Day!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

You may think my picture taking abilities are declining but really I am trying to get both Hunter and his new toy deer mount in the picture. We bought Hunter this at Cabela's on Monday, Dave takes Hunter in our room everyday to show him all the dead animals, which by the way Hunter loves :( So, when we saw this toy one we knew he had to have it, this is him waving to it.
Surprisingly, Hunter points really well, especially at the deer.
He also stares at it and smiles, and if you lift him up to it he will touch and kiss its nose.
Hunter and I were wasting time for dad to get back from the store with milk, and he was fulfilling my commands...point to your nose......isn't he balancing well!
Wave bye bye to your dog (that he threw on the floor so I could pick it up) you can see Hunter has somewhat of a star trek wave :) and he is wearing some PJ's handed down from his cousin Joey, thanks Joey! Hunter has been wearing a lot of your old clothes :)

Hello there, it was a quiet day Hunter is feeling better cold wise, but he is having some reactions to the shots, I thought that children had more reactions when they are younger, but actually the reactions are an occurrence of the vaccine building up which can make their reaction more severe with every shot, like bee stings. So, he and I took it easy as I have now become sick too. I had a great conversation with my friend Wendy today, I miss you girl!!!! We were sad today because our friends Keri and her husband Will were suppose to come over for dinner and drinks but I was just not feeling up to it, I miss you too Keri! Well that is it for tonight I am headed to bed, hope you are all doing well!

Friday, September 08, 2006

It's the Weekend!!!

Hope your Friday went well! Ours went quick, Hunter went to see Miss Karen today and she made him pancakes for breakfast, they were suppose to paint today but she was too busy wiping noses, which Hunter so nicely points to getting his face all messy, YUCK all the kids are sick :( One more illness to help build up that immune system I keep hearing about :) Hunter's friend Ethan wasn't there today so he played with Jenna, they kept passing a toy back and forth, she is really a pretty little girl. Adrianna is 2 and I have seen her everyday so far, yesterday she said, "I love Hunter" so he is having a good time and teaching everyone a little sign language. Then I took Hunter to the doctor to get some shots which turned in to a big fiasco that may end in a huge mess! You may or may not know how worried I was about giving my baby shots, my entire pregnancy I read everything I could get my hands on, I decided to go ahead and get the shots but not the Hepatitis B that they give right away after they are born. Most adults do not have this, unless like myself they work where its needed, and there has not been long enough in my opinion to test the true affects of giving this series, anyway I refused it in the hospital and every doctor's visit since. Well, it turns out they may have given Hunter it in the hospital against my will, so now we are headed in to a maze of getting records, talking to people, etc. I am praying it was some sort of clerical error, we'll see. Hunter is doing well after getting his shots, better than usual and my homemade baby food has progressed into homemade food. So, tonight I conquered chicken noodle soup, Dave was a little leary of my organic chicken, with wheat noodles but it turns out it was a big hit! I may have found the secret for myself on how to eat healthier, I had never cooked anything and let the fat congeal but I did the chicken, which would be less fatty than most things especially organic, anyway that is so disgusting and now all I can think about is my poor arteries :( Sorry for rambling today I am on a roll, somewhere I got all this energy...I even cleaned the fridge. We are going to try something new this weekend, its called relaxation.....we hope you give it a try too!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

On Labor Day we went to Cabela's, Hunter found a new friend!

Hello everyone it is almost the end of the week! Hope all is well! Hunter had his second day of daycare today and I am so pleased as it is going so well! Hunter played with his new friend Ethan again today, they went for a walk together, and even colored together. Tomorrow Miss Karen is sponge painting with them, boy is she brave! I won't even let Hunter feed himself with the spoon let alone paint :) Maybe he will turn out to be artsy like his Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandpa. Well its short and sweet tonight, Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Mom and Grandma, what are you eating? Can I have some?


It may look like Hunter is eating Cheetos, but we had to play a little trick on him. We were relaxing, eating Cheetos, after returning from the wedding on Sunday, when Hunter took notice and demanded he have some. Grandma thought of cheese, so I quickly went to the kitchen, cut it up, and Grandma snuck it in the bag, boy was he happy having something special!

I am excited to report Hunter has another tooth! Once again, who knows how long it has been there. He just doesn't let you in his mouth for anything, you have to make him cry to see it :( It is on the top and has just broken through the skin, it will be cute to see his toothy smile when it comes down further. Hunter has also been pointing at everything, he started with Grandpa and the tractors this weekend, but today he pointed all day long and then would look at me, as much to say, what is that, and give it to me! He is pointing with his left hand, but it isn't uncommon for babies, especially boys, to be ambidextrous until they go to school. I'm not sure if I told you Hunter is now ordering off of the kids menu at restaurants, it is important for Dave and I to take Hunter often to learn restaurant etiquette, there is nothing that irritates me more then when kids act up in the restaurant and ruin other peoples meals. Thankfully Dave and I agree on this and he is quick to pick Hunter up and escort him out if he is fussing, this will be many years of training but hopefully he will learn and exhibit excellent manners. This I realize is a ways off being he is currently eating and throwing the crayons on the floor, occasionally they find the paper! That is it for today, take care, have a great day and remember we love your comments!!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

This is Hunter at 6:15 am today on his way to his first day of daycare, let me tell you that isn't what I looked like. I didn't think that this was going to be as hard of day as it was. Afterall, I have left Hunter for hours at a time, and after the walk, days. But, it was different. For the last eight months Hunter has been in the care of our family and friends, there is a trust there, and even though they may not do things as I would, they would never do anything to bring harm to him. The daycare that Hunter is going to is a woman, Miss Karen, who is licensed and watches children out of her home, she is very sweet and Hunter is drawn to her, but it just isn't the same. Overall, I am hoping this experience is beneficial for Hunter as well as for us.
Taking Hunter's picture this morning reminded me that I took his picture the first time I took him to his Aunt Lori's while I went to work, this was pre-blog, he was 4 months old. This is more what I looked like this morning :( It turns out that all went well today. Miss Karen is great with Hunter, and he really likes her, he kept wanting to go to her, and he loved all the toys! She even reported that Hunter made a new friend, Ethan, he turned one last month, and apparently they were inseparable today, poor Jenna who turned one yesterday was left out, but they have to watch her anyway because she has a little biting issue right now. I didn't realize how reassuring it would be to take Hunter to someone who has watched hundreds of kids over the years, she was really able to provide insight as well as set my fears at ease, and explain behavior, like Jenna's biting and some of the differences she has seen between boys and girls, and that all kids go through stages it doesn't make them bad. It certainly will be better for Hunter to have a mom that is less anal! Well, I will keep you posted, I hope you are having a wonderful week!
On Saturday we arrived at the hotel to get ready for the wedding, Dad and Hunter played on the King size bed!
Grandpa bought Hunter's dog a leash, boy does it come in handy, and he loves it!!!
Looking Handsome!
I love the feeling of the wind blowing through my hair! The tie came off for the reception :)
Grandpa look at all the balloons!
Getting brave!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Dad....I don't need you to hold on to me!
That's better, lets just go for a quick ride before we head to the wedding....please!
I sure am growing right into this tractor business!

I have to admit it's pretty cute, when we got to my parents to leave early Saturday morning, Hunter pointed and fussed until we let him get on the tractors, and the same thing when we got home tonight, and Grandpa did take him for a ride, boy does he love the tractors! Thank you for all of you who called to wish me a Happy Birthday, its funny no matter how old I get I still love my birthday! It is also really nice to know that some people still care about me too, and not just Hunter. I did have a good one, they serenaded me at the wedding, and leave it to my parents for really making the day by throwing me a hotel party complete with wine coolers and a special cake, thank you! I guess I know now, from planning a party for my own child you always want their day to be wonderful! We sure hope Paige had a wonderful party and we can't wait to see her blog updated with tons of pictures :) I will update the blog again soon with more pictures from our weekend, hope you had a good one too, love you all!