Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Last week Hunter went to see his cousin Ally in a Retro Performance, he loved the music and getting to run around!

Hugs and Kisses for Ally! She did a great job!

I'm telling you this boy never stops! He is so much fun and really keeps me on my toes!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

IT'S A MIRACLE! WE'RE BACK! So, things have been a little over committed here at the Smith household, but they sure have been fun! We returned yesterday from camping, and we had a wonderful relaxing time! Hunter had fun, and it looks like it is going to be the best summer ever! Here are some pictures from our fun, every Memorial weekend we meet my friend Keri (from college) and her family, this year there were kids!

No!!! Hunter screamed, which meant don't leave me here for a nap, I want to play outside!

Bike Rides with Ethan, who is turning one in a few weeks, at one point over the weekend Hunter said "good boy Ethan"

We have officially moved away from slices and into a whole apple after constant..."apple please, please, please apple"

Big Apple Little Face!

Run, Jump, Play.......I love the Outdoors!

Wagon rides with Emmy

Hunter loved Keri's big 120 pound Mastiff ZOE, he wasn't so fond of the kisses :)

HAPPY belated MEMORIAL DAY!!!! Hunter, Grandma and I went to the parade in the morning to show our support and appreciation, Hunter loved the music and clapping!

I will be catching you up during the week on the new and exciting things Hunter has been doing, mostly new things he is saying! The boy doesn't stop talking! I don't know where he gets that from (ha ha) One of his new favorite things to say is "OK" after you explain something like, we will go outside after your nap, he will say "OK" I guess it doesn't sound as cute as it really is! He also says "excuse me Hunter" when something is in his way, which I thought was strange until I realized I am always saying excuse me Hunter to get around him. He started over the weekend requesting mommy, this is new, usually he goes to anyone, but just the past few days if he falls, is laying down or gets up from a nap, he begs, mommy mommy. So, Dave and I are starting to alternate to deter this kind of attachment, a little bit is normal, but this is not the type of behavior we like to reinforce. So, just a few new things but when it comes down to it......Hunter is growing up! We hope that you are well and had a "meaningful Memorial Day to you" (the Sprint lady said this to me and I liked it!) Thanks for all of your begging for a blog post, your support and interest make it all worth while! Talk to you tomorrow!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The BIGGEST mistake we have made was letting Hunter Drive!

As you can see he loves it behind the wheel and he now begs and begs to the point of tears! Tears from Hunter and tears from me! It was cute the first time, it is no longer cute!

What was cute however, was that Hunter had his first kiss yesterday! I went to pick him up from daycare and apparently they did not get to him quick enough, because he went after Jenna saying kiss kiss, hug hug and then pinned her in the corner to give her a kiss, so much so they ended up on the floor! I unsure of what to say about this, said "oh poor Jenna", and they said, "Jenna didn't seem to mind" laughing. So, at 20 months tomorrow Hunter had his first kiss! We are now working on kissing on the cheek :)

I have a VERY BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISH for WENDY!!!!! Her birthday is tomorrow the 20th! Wendy, I miss you so much, have a wonderful birthday and I can't wait to see you next week!!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hunter is becoming quite a little boy, he puts his hat on backwards and wears anyone's shoes that are handy. These are Grandpa's shoes, hard to believe his little feet will one day be that big!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

We have extremely exciting news this morning!!!!

Hunter went Potty!!! Now that is a mother's day present!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I don't need Mother's Day to appreciate Hunter, each and every day he does something to make being a mother the best job I will ever have! I am so lucky :)

Last Sunday we celebrated Mother's Day with my mom, it was a beautiful day! This is at the River Crab in St. Clair, it's her Mother's Day tradition. Hunter was such a good boy, honestly it has to be the best he has ever done! He ate so much his tummy was bloated and he really enjoyed the music trio that played by our table, he clapped for them! Every day that passes being a mother makes me appreciate my mother even more! Love you Mom!!! You're the Best!

To all of the mom's that read the blog, we wish you a happy, fun, relaxing and memorable Mother's deserve it!

Friday, May 11, 2007

We're back! So this blog is a week behind and I am so sorry! I know how much some of you count on me, and I promise as soon as things settle down in our lives I will be back to my faithful postings! I also appreciate your calls! I know that if I don't blog you worry about Hunter being sick, so I am happy to say we are all healthy here!

Last weekend we went to Joey's (Jo Jo's) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's Birthday party. It was Cool Dude! Wow, I haven't talked like that since my school days, scary!

Hunter enjoyed playing in the yard with his cousins

Hunter's new thing is giving hugs and kisses! We love it!

So, over the span of a week Hunter's teeth have progressed he is currently getting 4, one night he had a temp but overall he seems to be coping well. He is learning a lot of words, and putting them together like today he was standing on his bike, I said, "sit down" he repeated that and then said "mommy said sit down". I really tried not to laugh. He likes to sing in the car, he has two CD's; a little people sing a long which isn't that fond of yet; and his favorite Sesame Street from his cousins. He loves the Elmo song, but now he especially loves the Cookie Monster song, he tries to sign the letter "C" and sings cookie over and over. The other day on our way home he begged "cookie cookie" so I put on Cookie, as soon as I did he begged "elmo elmo" so I put on Elmo, then he begged "cookie". Well, as you know I am not one of those mom's who has a lot of patience for these types of things, so I said No cookie, we will listen to Elmo then we can listen to cookie, well you would have thought I burned his Magnum dog, he got these big crocodile tears and began to scream and cry, his first temper tantrum, which only lasted about a minute until he realized I was definitely not giving in after that display. So, this marks the beginning of exhibiting his independence! Well, that's it for tonight, love you all and bear with me!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Hello! Hunter loves to talk on his play phone, and he thinks the kitty does too! Just in the past week Hunter will respond on the phone, today he talked to Grandma for a minute, he said "Hi Grandma" "love Grandma" and "bye bye" this is pretty good boy etiquette if you ask me, I think that is more than his Dad talks on the phone :) Yesterday at day care Hunter strung 5 words together! They were going to write them down but were in the middle of something, later they couldn't remember what they were, very exciting, although I haven't heard him do it yet, just three words like, "I do it". I put him to bed tonight and on the way he said, night night kitty, night night doggie, night night tractor.....this was adorable until there was no night night mommy :( Happy Friday!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

First of all, a big belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to COUSIN JOEY!!!! He turned 6 on Sunday! Hope it was fun!

Monday was a beautiful day for another trip to the Zoo, this time with our friends Tricia and Andrew.

Tricia was telling me about seeing the Polar Bears swim over top of them when she visited the Zoo in the past, I was saying that in all of our trips we have only seen the seals, that is until then!

Hunter wasn't quite sure what to think, he just looked and smiled.

Welcome to Amphibiville! It was closed last year for remodeling, Hunter really enjoyed this new addition!

When one of them started to clap, dance and sing the other chimed right in!

This might be my favorite picture ever!

Nothing gets you dancing like fish and frogs!

Hello everyone, sorry we have been so long with no posts. I forgot my camera when we traveled up north which is such a shame because Hunter had a ball! We worked hard at the garage sale while Grandpa took Hunter to the tractor pull, he was so excited he made the tractor noises, rocked back and forth like the pullers do and begged to go back when it was over, he also played on Great Grandpa's scooter which he thought was exciting too! He just loves being outdoors so it was a perfect day for him! He also got a haircut this weekend, thanks Grandma! He was really good, he would watch Grandpa get a fake haircut then say "Hunter Hunter" letting us know it was his turn, hopefully he maintains this good haircut etiquette :) Then it was home where Dad had accomplished so much, very exciting! Then Monday it was the Zoo, followed by a nap and then Hunter woke up with a rash all over his face and neck again.....with some Benedryl and patience we have decided he must be allergic to the sunscreen, we'll see how the next encounter goes. Today Hunter had a first, it was a long day for him as I desperately tried to accomplish packing and such, so we spent some time together playing Play-Doh! He only tried to eat it once :) So basically poor little Hunter is taking a back seat to all of the pre-house selling chaos, but it will be good for him to have to entertain himself, he sure entertains me! Hope all is well with you, and I will try to post faithfully!