Friday, August 31, 2007

We are on the fair tour this summer, our 3rd destination the Michigan State Fair.....

It's been awhile since Hunter got to ride a tractor with a pretty lady, usually it's Grandma but yesterday it was Miss Wendy!

Hunter's favorite ride

Our little Lieutenant!
Well, I have mixed potty news.....Hunter has been doing great at daycare this week and at the fair he went twice had one accident. Today at daycare stayed dry all day and even wore underwear for his naps and stayed dry. We came home and then went out to the mall, and that is where the good part ended. We think it was a matter of wanting all of the attention, but he went in his stroller and in his car seat, today is the first day I officially want to give up. However, I keep reminding myself that he isn't even 2 and has been in underwear for an entire week and had very few accidents, and so we won't throw in the towel but that little stinker is testing us!!! So, this weekend we will try to keep Hunter at home and get back to basics, it was a hard week for him as I worked all week, but some peace and quiet should do us all good (I don't know how much quiet you can get with an almost 2 year old but we'll see :) Have a good one!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I'm still learning new things everyday!

Almost there....

I see my foot...

Look at me!!!

Taa Daa!!!
So, aside from learning new things Hunter is progressing with his potty training. We have ditched the pull ups as of last Saturday and Hunter now wears underwear. He loves them, and he really wants Superman if anyone can find them in a 2T please let me know, he begs for them everyday! I have only found a 4T, anyway Sunday he did great no accidents. Then came Monday the first day back to daycare, I was so worried that I called to check in halfway through the day, still dry well at the end of the day Hunter decided he had to go, so he pulled down his pants and watered Miss Karen's train table.....why do these things make you question your parenting, I can laugh now but was not laughing Monday. So then Tuesday, Hunter did pretty good he had two accidents not wet ones though, poor Miss Karen! Then today he did great only one! At night with us he doesn't have any accidents, but he also doesn't have all of the fun distractions either. So, we are very proud of him, and he is proud of his big boy underwear!! Just wanted to keep you posted, hope all is well!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Come with me and I will take you on a tour of my Day Out With Thomas!!!!

Will we sit in Annie or Clarabell???? Hunter's ready and waiting with his finger in his pocket.

My new favorite picture!

Michele and Marianne excited for a fun day with Thomas and the gang!

Papa and Grandma having fun too!

Mom and Grandma enjoying the ride!

All Aboard!!!

Ride Thomas, Ride Thomas....Hunter always begs to ride EVERYTHING so we were very excited that he actually got to ride Thomas!

Bob the Builder made a special appearance......Doesn't Owen look cute!

Doesn't Andrew look adorable!

Doesn't Hunter look..........Scared!

He's down the stairs and he's outta here!

Andrew was the perfect age for Thomas this year, Hunter wasn't standing with the characters or going to participate in the photo shoots, where did my little model go??? I use to be able to put him somewhere, he would stand there and smile, oh those were the days, ha ha.

Andrew was very excited to see Sir Topham Hat! Hunter started crying as soon as he entered the stage, maybe next year we will get a picture.

Hunter's first's James one of his favorite engines.

Owen and Hunter couldn't get enough train rides!

I wish I could have taken better pictures, for some reason my camera doesn't take motion pictures, I can't figure that out. I have a top of the line camera, but my bottom of the line camera took motion pics. I think I figured it out, the camera probably takes them, I just don't know how!!!! Either way....Hunter had a great time on this little train.

Kisses for Grandma

What a day! It was a blast rain and shine!!! It was well worth the wait, Hunter had a great time and so did we! He can't stop talking about it! Also, have to update you on the potty status......Hunter has stayed dry for two days in a row including naps! That is including out Day out with Thomas, he went on the potty there (with some reminders and game playing :) and today he had on underwear all day including a 6 mile walk where he went potty three times! We decided to start going to the park by our house because every 1/2 mile there is a bathroom, so it works perfectly! We are so excited, we are almost there! Have a great week!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Not only did Hunter stay dry this morning, but he stayed dry all evening and went potty at the Restaurant!!!! We were so proud of him that he got a big reward, riding in the special TV cart at Meijer and getting big boy underpants!

Look at me and Spidey!!!!!!

Spidey and Friends going to play the drums....

How can a big pot and underpants be so much fun!!!!

Ok, so the most exciting thing happened at 3:30am......I woke up to Hunter crying out, I let him cry for a few minutes, he escalated so I decided to go see what the problem was. When I entered his room he was crying out "potty potty" I thought are you kidding me, but I decided to put him on the potty. So, this is the exciting part......I took off his diaper was dry!!!! I was shocked so he drank a cup of milk went to bed at 8:30 and stayed dry for 7 hours!!!! I put him on the potty and he went right away, then he didn't want to get down, he wanted his truck book. I said to myself I am not starting this habit, as excited as I am I refuse to read stories in the middle of the night, so he wanted to keep sitting and he went again!!!! I am getting ready for work so he's not up yet, but I'm so anxious to see if he stayed dry. I realize it is probably a total fluke, I wasn't expecting it this soon, but here's hoping he is progressing!!! Have a great day!

Monday, August 20, 2007

One month from today my little guy turns 2! I can't believe it, where has the time gone???

Potty, Potty, Potty, that is all we think about and talk about around here! Hunter use to have this fancy potty chart, but after he destroyed it :( he now wears his stickers proudly on his hands! Today he was covered from head to toe, as he only had two accidents! He gets playing and then doesn't tell me he has to go, or today I was busy making his party decorations and lost track of time, I try to remind him every so often, but needless to say it's going pretty well! That's it for today, have a great week!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hello everyone! We hope you had a nice weekend, we did! We had another house showing and we went to a family get together yesterday, here are some pictures....

I thought this picture was so cute until I saw it up close, both Ally and Hunter smiling so nicely.....then I realized that Hunter had his devil smile on! I can't figure out how he got to be such a ham...can you? :)

Here Hunter and Olivia were manipulating their poor cousin Ally to keep getting the trucks they kept rolling onto the ground, I just thought they looked so cute playing together!

Celebrating Papa's birthday with the whole family, here's Papa with all of his grandkids.

Good thing Kimmy has good dental care :)

Bye Bye kisses from cousin Olivia, they are 7 months apart, and both very busy!!! I have to explain why Hunter has a 2/$2.22 sticker on....we had a very exciting occurence! It was Hunter's first time going potty while we were out! He went twice at the get together and we grabbed this sticker to reward him, well then Cousin Cindy is a teacher and had plenty of real stickers, we were so proud, and Hunter is getting much better at telling us when he has to go! What a fun day we had, I only wish we could accomplish having less hectic lives so we could get together and relax with family and friends more often, we are constantly working towards this, but it is the accomplishing it that we never quite master. We hope that you are doing well, and we will talk to you soon!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

A night out with our good friends Marianne and Michele at the Armada Fair!

Corn Dog anyone??? This is Hunter's first one!

Ok, I can really get into all of this fair food! Like mother like son!

I love corn dogs!!! I "tip up" my head to see you under this hat.

A night at the fair is very exciting!!! With your "hat on backwards" you can see much better.

Rodney Atkins, Hunter's first concert.

As tired as Hunter was after a whole day at daycare with only an hour nap, then sitting for over an hour for the concert to start he still had a lot of cheering and clapping in him for the entertainment!

Grandpa, Hunter scoped out this tractor he said this has to be our next one! John Deere LA

Ok, I passed up the Merry-Go-Round at the Tigers game and at the Imlay City Fair so the third time must be a charm

Miss Marianne and Miss Michele were in on the night of fun!

Hi ladies! Look at's my first ride by myself!

That's all folks! Mom and Dad better get me home before Social Services comes....we left the fair after 11 O'clock!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO PAPA! Papa's birthday was yesterday and we hope he had a great one!!!