Sunday, January 28, 2007

The strangest thing just happened as I was putting Hunter to bed....our normal routine includes reading. Hunter is quite a mover so he stays in his crib where he can move about freely as I read to him. We read a few stories then continue on, after I read the story I give him the book to look at, which brings us to the funny thing. I read a big bird shape book, handed it to him, he flipped it over and said, "Melmo" and to my shock he was pointing to a picture of Elmo! This may not seem funny to you, but we don't have any Elmo books, we don't watch Sesame Street, I don't think I have ever even said Elmo, which makes me think he must like Elmo and see him at day care. This is his first character recognition, I thought for sure it would be Thomas (the train) as he begs at the TV saying "choo choo" all the time, strange but cute, hence the grabbing of the camera to document it!

There's "MELMO"

We hope that you had a wonderful weekend! It always goes by so quickly! Where to begin in recapping the events, well yesterday I met my girlfriends Kathy and Jae for a baby free lunch, the last time they saw him he had just begun walking so next time the see him he will probably be onto sentences :) It was so nice to relax a little bit! Then I had to hurry home to get everyone around for Dave's Aunt Francis's surprise birthday party. Hunter was having fun playing with their arcade games with his cousins, Ally, Kimmy, and Joey (Hunter calls him Jo Jo). Then it was time for the surprise and she was pleasantly shocked! Shortly after this Hunter began to get fussy, it was his bedtime and we were concerned that this might happen. We struggle with going without him or taking him, it always seems functions fall at this time, for his good we should leave him but we realize that people would much rather see him than seems there is no right answer. So, we left and returned home to bed. Which brings us to today, Dave went hunting, and Hunter and I had a nice relaxing day. We read a lot of stories, ate a lot of fruit, Hunter is loving fruit lately! He ate a whole bag of grapes in 3 days, today he ate a whole kiwi, and watermelon which he previously didn't like, he is getting less picky every day, hurray!!! He said "love you" to Aunt Mimi and now signs "cracker" that pretty much sums it up, have to run and get my chores done before Desperate Housewives, love you!


Blogger Elevator Sunshine Girl said...

what a cutie! i miss you guys!! Wish we had a camera when we were shoving 24 balloons in your car! haha. :)

8:53 AM  

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